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  • framingham.com featured on front page of Framingham TAB

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The April 15th edition of The Framingham TAB featured a front page article about framingham.com and its owner, Debbie Cleveland.

    The article comes on the heels of the launch of a revised look for the site and a record of over 50,000 visitors in March.

    Coincidently, Comcast, Channel 9 has been showing a 2001 tape of Our Town, with Joyce Tolman interviewing Debbie shortly after she took over the community web site.

    Framingham.com is now in its tenth year of providing online news and information about the largest town (population wise) in Massachusetts. It is going into its fifth summer of setting up a table at local events and providing free raffles, giveaways, business literature, balloons and coupons.


  • Framingham Heart Study Director to Speak

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – On Thursday, May 19, Dr. Daniel Levy, Director of the Framingham Heart Study, will discuss his book A Change of Heart at 7 p.m. in the Costin Room at the Framingham Public Library. The book explains the process and findings of the heart study, which revolutionized our understanding of the causes and treatment of heart disease.

    Did you know that your heart beats approximately 42,075,900 times per year, and that it goes largely unnoticed unless something goes wrong with it?

    In 1948, the Framingham Heart Study was undertaken to try to pinpoint the causes of cardiovascular disease. The study asked 5,209 citizens of Framingham — who suffered stokes and heart attacks to the same extent as the rest of the United States — to undergo biennial physicals, blood tests and detailed interviews concerning their behavior. The rest is medical history.

    Following the talk, there will be a question-and-answer period as well as a book sale and signing. This event is co-sponsored by the Framingham Public Library and Borders Books. Free and open to the public. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Framingham Library. Questions? Call 508-879-3570 x228.

    Coincidentally, the Framingham Heart Study was recently a featured topic in the health and fitness section of Parade.com. Their article is linked to framingham.com’s information about the Framingham Heart Study, one of the more popular parts of this web site.

    Dr. Levy’s book may be borrowed from the Framingham Public Library or purchased at the talk, or from Borders or Amazon.com.


  • Framingham Launches Spring Into Arts

    Month Long Festival Links Artists and Community

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The first annual Spring Into Arts festival begins next week in Framingham. This month-long festival will feature 50 arts and cultural events at scheduled locations in Framingham from April 18 through May 22. Spring Into Arts is a project of the START Framingham Partnership, a consortium of 60 individuals and organizations, appointed by town Selectmen, working together to support Framingham’s artists and cultural organizations.

    START Framingham is supported in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) which chose Framingham as one of three Massachusetts towns to receive a three-year grant from the Wallace Foundation to support and to promote community participation in the arts. MCC’s decision to choose Framingham was influenced by the town’s ethnic diversity and hundreds of professional artists and cultural organizations actively working in various fields in the arts.

    “In selecting the three communities to join us as partners, we wanted to support and encourage local leadership. It was clear that strong local leadership was well established in the Framingham Office of Economic Development and Planning and in the Framingham Cultural Council. Our job was to catch up on their vision.” says MCC’s START project director H. Mark Smith.

    START’s mission is to raise awareness of the arts and to increase participation in arts-related activities among all segments of the population through innovative and creative methods. “We are honored that Framingham was recognized as having a dynamic arts and cultural community. It offers many opportunities for people of all ages to not only celebrate the arts, but also to participate in their community through the arts. The Spring Into Arts festival will introduce the wider public to Framingham’s vibrant and ethnically diverse arts community,” explains Carla Fink, director of START Framingham Partnership.

    The festival kicks off with a Multicultural Fair on April 18 from 1-4 p.m. in Nevins Hall of the Memorial Building Town Hall, and the Family Drop Into Art program at the Danforth Museum of Art between 1-3 p.m. Families will find a number of events geared toward children of all ages, as well as several events presented by Framingham students.

    “Spring Into Arts provides an opportunity to showcase our students’ talents in the visual and performing arts,” notes George Perrone, department head of fine arts at Framingham High School. “The arts are alive and well in Framingham at all levels. I hope the festival and various student-performed events encourage increased public participation and support for the arts in our schools and community.”

    Families, art enthusiasts and those looking to participate in the arts for the first time will have the opportunity to chat with artists in their studios, participate in hands-on art projects at the Danforth Museum of Art, discover a variety of musical styles, explore Brazilian music, art and literature at the Brazilian American Association’s day long festival, experience the visual and performing arts featuring Framingham students, walk through 45 acres of wildflowers, or be entertained by storytellers and a nature illustrator.

    “Arts and culture build strong, vibrant, sustainable communities,” says MCC Executive Director Mary Kelley. “Framingham residents are fortunate to have municipal and cultural leaders who want to broaden participation in the wide range of cultural opportunities that exist in their city.”

    Full listing of events are available online at framingham.com.

    START Framingham Partnership (START) is a project of the Massachusetts Cultural Council made possible through a grant from the Wallace Foundation. START enjoys support from the Town of Framingham Office of Planning and Economic Development, the Framingham Cultural Council, Banknorth, BOSE Corporation, the Carlisle Foundation, MassBay Community College and Office Depot.


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