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  • Town Taking Bids for Cemetery Landscaping

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Town of Framingham is accepting bids for general landscaping services on the grounds Old South Cemetery, Main Street Cemetery, and Edwards Cemetery.

    Services include mowing, leaf removal, shrub trimming and related services.

    Bid specifications will be available Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. to be picked-up at the Procurement Office, Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street – Room 123, 150 Concord Street, Framingham, MA. 01702 or can be requested by e-mailing purchasing@framinghamma.gov.

    A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at the Cushing Memorial Park, Dudley Road, Framingham, Massachusetts on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 10:00 AM.

    Bids must be received at the Procurement Office not later than Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 10:00 AM to be considered.

    The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any informalities.

    Inquiries regarding this Invitation for Bid are to be directed to Chris McGinty, Parks and Recreation Department, at (508) 532-5960.



  • Framingham Taxpayers Association is Back

    FRAMINGHAM, MA -The Framingham Taxpayers Association, or “FTPA” has been re-established and re-activated.  The organization which operates as a fiscal watchdog over “the interests of residential property taxpayers“, and “advocates for fiscally responsible and cost-effective town government“, is gearing up to counter any Proposition 2 1/2 tax override.

    Citing the fact that taxpayers must live within their means, the group’s mission is to organize voters to oppose raising taxes, and to see that municipal government lives within the means taxpayers already provide.

    The FTPA was originally formed in 2003, “to serve as advocates for Framingham Taxpayers”. In a press release, February 12, 2011, the FTPA lists the officers (and members of the FTPS Executive Committee), as:

    • Enzo Rotatori, (Chairman)
    • Karl Thober, (Treasurer)
    • Roxana Sanchez, (Secretary)

    And two additional members of the FTPA Executive Committee:

    • Doug Freeman
    • Jack Prindiville

    Rotatori, Freeman and Prindiville were part of the founding of the original FTPA organization in 2003.  The five members of the Executive Committee serve without compensation.

    A press release issued earlier today promises that “Framingham residents will be reading and hearing more details regarding FTPA activity in the coming weeks and months.”

    For additional information about the FTPA , contact Enzo Rotatori, FTPA Chairman, (508) 872-6817, or email: erotatori@verizon.net or Doug Freeman, (508) 596-9351 or email: freeman_doug@yahoo.com


    Enzo Rotatori (Chairman): 508-872-6817 | erotatori@verizon.net.

    Doug Freeman: 508-596-9351 | freeman_doug@yahoo.com.

  • Desert Storm Display at Library

    public domain photo from Highway of Death, Operation Desert Storm, 18-APR-1991
    Operation Desert Storm: April 18, 1991 – Passenger cars, trucks, buses, tanks and other military vehicles destroyed and abandoned along the "Highway of Death". (Public domain image, photographed by U.S. Tech. Sgt. Joe Coleman during the course of official duties).

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Framingham Veteran’s Council has put together a window display commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm.

    The display is installed at the Framingham Public Library, 49 Lexington St., Downtown Framingham and runs from February 1, 2011 through February 14, 2011.

    Items on display include different types of US camouflage, an Escape and Evasion map carried by Special Forces and Pilots for use behind enemy lines. A “Blood Chit” help in evasion.

    There are propaganda leaflets and postcards. The most famous propaganda post card was the Kuwaiti Valentine. These were printed by the Kuwaiti government in exile and sent to refugee camps where they were “personalized” to then be handed out to the US Troops.

    There is a postcard signed by Bob Hope the comedian, Generals Colin Powell, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, H. Norman Schwarzkopf, (more…)

    Desert Storm Display at Library

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