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  • Eagles Feeding at Sudbury River

    PHOTO - American Bald Eagle, Framingham, MA, January 31, 2011
    One of a pair of American Bald Eagles photographed on the banks of the Sudbury River in Framingham on January 31, 2011. (Photo courtesy of Wayne Dion, www.dion.com)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – On Sunday, (January 30, 2011), Framingham photographer Wayne Dion spotted an American Bald Eagle near the Sudbury River by Central Street in Saxonville.

    Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough time to photograph the bird that day.

    The following morning, (Monday, 1/31/2010), at 8:00am, Dion was on his way out to an appointment, but took time to look for the eagle.  To his surprise, he spotted not just one, but a pair! He briefly photographed them, then went to his appointment.

    While the early bird may get the worm, it’s the early photographer that gets the bird!

    When he returned about an hour later he spotted the (more…)

    Eagles Feeding at Sudbury River
  • Storm Cancellations & Notices – Feb. 1 & 2, 2011

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Due to storm conditions the Selectman’s Meeting and School Committee meeting scheduled for tonight, (2/1/2011), have been canceled.


    The Main Library Book Club meeting that was scheduled for this evening (2/1/11) has been cancelled and re-scheduled for Thursday, February 3rd at 7 p.m. in the Costin room. The book being discussed is “Cutting For Stone.”


    (Library) The presentation by James Coleman, President and CEO of the American Textile Museum, scheduled for Wednesday evening, February 2nd has been canceled and re-scheduled for next Tuesday evening, February 8th at 7 p.m. in the Costin room.


    Feb 2nd Immunization Clinic POSTPONED and is Rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 8th at Keefe Tech HS from 3 pm to 7 pm.  We still have more flu season to get through. Flu has not yet peaked in Massachusetts. There is still time to get your flu vaccine. The Framingham Board of Health and Medical Reserve Corps volunteers are holding a FREE PUBLIC IMMUNIZATION CLINIC on Tuesday February 8th, 2011 at Keefe Vocational Technical High School, 750 Winter Street Framingham, from 3-7 pm. This clinic is open to ALL residents of Massachusetts ages 6 months and up. This clinic will offer this year’s influenza vaccine, the pneumonia vaccine, and the Tetanus/Pertussis vaccine (tetanus and whooping cough) while supplies last. For More Information please contact: Laurie Courtney, Framingham Public Health Nurse,  508-532-5476 or lac@framinghamma.gov


    Due to severe weather conditions forecast for today, Tuesday February 1, 2011, through Wednesday February 2, 2011, the Town of Framingham will waive interest charges up to $15.00 on the 2011 third quarter real estate tax bills, provided payment is received by the close of business, which is 7:00 pm, on Thursday February 3, 2011


    The Framingham Finance Committee Meeting and the School Committee Meeting scheduled for this evening (Wednesday, February 2,2011) have been cancelled.

    We will update this page with additional notices as they become available.


  • Salute To Framingham Announces Honorees

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – In 1992, the Salute to Framingham was created to honor individuals for their outstanding commitment and service to Framingham’s youth. Since then, the Salute to Framingham has become one of Framingham’s most celebrated annual events. This year’s honorees join a select group of people who have made a real difference in the lives of the children of Framingham.

    On Thursday, March 24th, Salute to Framingham will honor Michael Grilli and Joey Sementelli.

    In addition to these honorees, the Salute program also recognizes Framingham teachers and staff who make each day “special” in our public schools.  We also acknowledge graduating FHS students who positively impact the school community.

    This year, the Salute to Framingham will present the Jim O’Connor Community Service Award to F-SEPAC (Framingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council).  Named for former FHS Athletic Director and founder of the Salute to Framingham, this award honors an organization whose work benefits the youth of Framingham. Framingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council is co-chaired by Cheryl Caira and Susan Arndt.

    The Salute to Framingham Dinner will take place on Thursday, March 24th at the Sheraton Framingham Ballroom.  Complete details and ticket information are available at:

    Proceeds from the Salute to Framingham benefit the Framingham High School Foundation.  All proceeds from the event are used to benefit FHS students by supporting activities, the arts, and athletics at the school.


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