FRAMINGHAM, MA — The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project is planning to use a truck-mounted aerosol sprayer to apply “reduced-risk pesticide” to control mosquito populations in the City Thursday, July 22, 2021. All spraying will be done between dusk and 11:30 p.m.
The spraying is scheduled for neighborhoods of Framingham that are located in the vicinity of Savoy Road, Angela Road, Doris Road, August Drive, Sylvester Drive and Mayflower Road.
The mosquito control product being used is Zenivex E4 (EPA Reg No. 2724.807), and it’s being applied at one ounce per acre. Zenivex E4 is a non-ester pyrethroid and is classified by the EPA as a reduced-risk pesticide. Mosquito control applications of Zenivex E4 do not pose a significant risk to people or their pets due to the low toxicity and the small amount used to control mosquitoes.
As with any pesticide, people should minimize their exposure. If residents see a spray truck approaching, they are advised to go indoors for a few minutes while the spray dissipates. Residents are also advised to close windows.
Beekeepers do not need to take any special precautions since spraying begins after dusk. Zenivex E4 biodegrades rapidly and therefore doesn’t build up in the environment.
If postponed, spraying will be rescheduled for the following week.
If residents have any questions related to mosquitoes or mosquito control, contact the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project at 781-899-5730. The spray schedule can be found at the Mosquito Control Project website.
Source: Framingham municipal media alert.