FRAMINGHAM, MA – Fox News has a feature called “Zip Trips” where they visit a city or town and show off the local legends and lore, best eateries and top students, and whatever info they can to help promote the “best of” that town.
On Friday June 18, 2010, Fox News will be Zip Tripping to Framingham and broadcasting from Cushing Memorial Park.
To prepare for the trips, Fox News runs a “Town Poll” — an online questionnaire to collect info and suggestions from citizens of the Town.
The questionnaire asks:
1. Name the one “Must See” place in your town.
2. What is it about your town that makes it the best place to live?
3. Name one thing your town is known for by residents or visitors.
4. Does your town have any current or former residents that are famous?
5. Who is known as the biggest “Townie?”
6. Where is the best spot to bring kids in your town?
7. Where are the places with historical significance in your town?
9. If you were to erect a statue of someone in your town, who would it be of, and why?
10. What’s your favorite place to eat in town and the dish you love to order?
11. Name a “Class of 2011” outstanding high school student or student group and their achievement (academics, sports, band, drama, vocals).
12. What song best describes your town?
You can take the Fox News Zip Trip Town Poll online at:
On June 18th, be sure to head up to Cushing Memorial park, (the former Cushing Hospital grounds), which is located on Dudley Rd., near Farm Pond. Get there early, the broadcasts are for the Fox Morning News. We will post additional information closer to the bradcast date.
Now, go take the Town Poll and tell Fox News what’s great about Framingham!