This past weekend we went to a class reunion weekend. Wow. It was an uplifting experience. We had conversations with people we only knew slightly in high school, but it didn’t matter. We shared many common bonds, experiences, and viewpoints.
Because of our age bracket, we could share not only parenting stories, but also how we have had to deal with our aging or incapacitated parents, and in some cases, the deaths of spouses and parents.
Many classmates were living in their parents’ houses, and some continued their parents’ local businesses. Quite a few married classmates or someone a grade or two ahead or behind from our high school. One married one of our teachers. Two of our teachers, who got to know each other while they monitored the hallways from adjacent classrooms, married.
So a good percentage of our class attended. Some were easy to recognize and remember the name, others we knew the face, but thank goodness for nametags. Some, well, really thank goodness for nametags.
We had skipped quite a few reunions due to shyness, and not being sure about some extra pounds and wrinkles. But, in the end, it didn’t matter, some looked better, others did not. Hair, and having some, or not, seemed more defining as far as looks go.
The important thing was being there, sharing old times and talking about then and now. There was a high level of comfort and everyone was ready to chat with everyone, no icebreakers needed. It was one of the best times in our lives. We’re sorry we skipped so many.
While we went to a school much smaller than Framingham’s, we’d still recommend going to a Framingham reunion, because there are so many places and experiences here to reminisce about and savor. Not to mention that many fabulous and solid people call Framingham their hometown and a reunion is a great way to reconnect, if only for a few hours.
We welcome notices of class reunions. Organizers are welcome to post them on the community calendar and to email us notices at We’d also love to receive stories about Framingham’s class reunions.