FRAMINGHAM, MA — Motorists are advised that there may be construction work being performed during daytime hours on the following roads in Framingham during the week of August 29th though September 4th, 2021. Please note: construction schedules are weather permitting and subject to change.
Blackberry Lane Sewer Pump Station – Pump station work continues. Blackberry Lane at Millwood Street will be closed to through traffic during work hours. A detour will be in effect. Please seek an alternate route.
Edgell Road Gas Main Replacement – Eversource gas will continue replacing gas main on Edgell Road. Expect moderate delays. Lane shifts and/or a one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect.
Grant Street Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements (Between Arthur and Hartford Streets) – Punch-list items. Expect minor delays at times.
Nipmuc Road Gas Main Installation – Eversource gas will continue replacing gas main on Nipmuc Road between Hollis Street and Wood Avenue. Expect minor delays. A one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect.
Nobscot Intersection Improvements Project
Overhead electrical and cable wire work continues. Underground fire alarm cable will be installed. Expect minor delays.
Utility Pole Inspections and Restoration – Verizon / Dig safe paint markings will be noticeable in the public right-of-way near telephone poles throughout the Framingham for Osmose’s utility pole inspections and restoration. For more information about this project, view the press release here. Residents with questions about this project should contact Osmose Utility at (770) 632-6700 or submit an inquiry form on their website.
Rose Kennedy Lane Sidewalk Improvements – Punch-list items. Expect minor delays at times.
Saxonville Intersection Improvements Design Work (Concord Street and Central Street) – Clean drain lines and conduct inspections for design work. Expect minor to moderate delays at times. A lane shift and/or one-way alternating traffic will be in effect.
School Street Sidewalk Improvements (Between Old Connecticut Path and Hamilton Street) – Sidewalk and curbing work. Expect moderate delays at times. A lane shift and/or one-way alternating traffic will be in effect.
Urban Street Sweeping Program – Area A – The Highway Division will street sweep Area A on Tuesday, August 31. NO PARKING will be allowed from 9 AM to Noon. Vehicles parked on the street will be ticketed and towed. The following streets will be swept during this operation: Bishop Street: #2, #7, Clark Street, Clinton Street: #27-82, Franklin Street: #2-10/#80-156, Frederick Street, Freeman Street, Grant Street: #1-76, Henry Street, Kendall Street, Lexington Street, Milton Street, Park Street, Pearl Street, Proctor Street, Richardson Circle, Richardson Court, Sanger Street, Thompson Street, Torrey Street, and William H. Welch Way.
Source: Framingham Dept. of Public Works