FRAMINGHAM, MA — Today the Metrowest Regional Transit Authority, (MWRTA) expanded its app based, “Catch Connect” MicroTransit service to operate on Saturdays and Sundays in areas within Downtown Framingham and Natick, and the Golden Triangle shopping area, (Natick Mall, Shoppers World, Walmart, and other nearby locations).
According to the American Public Transit Association “Transit agencies are implementing MicroTransit solutions that improve the rider’s experience by operating small-scale, on-demand public transit that can offer fixed routes and schedules, as well as flexible routes and on-demand scheduling.”
MWRTA has been operating Catch Connect in Wellesley since February. The service was launched to replace the Wellesley fixed route service, with the intention of providing a wider service area and added flexibility to riders. It has grown in popularity as ridership has begun to increase.
The new Framingham/Natick “Catch Connect” service will operate on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am until 6:00pm. There will be no service On: New Year’s Day, Patriot’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, (and limited schedules may apply on other holidays). Catch Connect riders can make transfers to: MWRTA Routes 2, 3, 4N, 4S, 7, 7C, 11, GLC as well as connect with the MBTA Commuter Rail via Framingham, Natick Center, & West Natick Train Stations.

This expanded service is funded through MassDOT Discretionary Funding and is set to operate for 1 year, with
intention to continue, based on ridership levels and service demand.
As part of the pilot, MWRTA will be able to gather data and information on how MicroTransit services interact with traditional fixed route services. The pilot will also provide insight on what and where the demand is for Sunday service, implementing the recommendations of a Sunday Feasibility Study, conducted by the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS), and funded through MassDOT Discretionary Grants.
Sunday service has been highly requested by passengers for years, and MWRTA is excited to launch a new
service to be able to accommodate this.
Riders will be able to book their trips on-demand and data gathered will allow MWRTA to see the peak times of travel and high demand areas. As the ridership expands, MWRTA’s goal is to eventually launch a shuttle or Fixed Route in the most popular areas, or continue running Catch Connect if that is the preferred method for riders, or a combination of both services.
Catch Connect will operate as a first-come-first-serve shared ride service. Meaning, that while it is on-demand,
riders may need to wait for a driver to be available depending on the levels of service. The accessible vehicles
used will accommodate 4 to 8 passengers at a time.
Rider feedback is strongly encouraged and will be helpful in determining future service revisions as necessary. Riders are asked to submit feedback through the app under the “Contact” tab, or by calling MWRTA at (508) 283-5083, or by email to: info@mwrta.com.
For additional information on MWRTA’s “Catch Connect” service, visit www.mwrta.com/catch.