FRAMINGHAM, MA — Framingham’s three beaches will be open beginning Thursday, June 17th, 2021 through Thursday, August 12th, 2021, 10:00am to 7:00pm as staffing allows.
The beaches are located at Learned Pond on Shawmut Terrace, Saxonville Beach on Lake Road, and Lake Waushakum on Nipmuc Terrace.
Currently, both Waushakum and Saxonville beaches have an elevated E.coli count, and the water will remain closed until further notice. However, sunbathing will be allowed. Water testing results can be found on the Framingham Health Department webpage at https://www.framinghamma.gov/290/Public-Health
The beaches will be open to Framingham residents only and will be free of charge. Resident ID, showing a Framingham address, will be required for admittance.
For more information on the Framingham’s Beaches, please visit https://www.framinghamma.gov