FRAMINGHAM, MA – Access Framingham, (AF-TV), the local public access television station is now accepting registrations for a new 2012 Summer Video Production Camp.
AF-TV will offer a new Video Production Camp to young people ages 10-12. The camp session will run daily from 9:00am to 12:00 noon daily starting Monday, August 13th, 2012 through Friday, August 17, 2012.
Campers will work together to develop and produce an original program. Every child will have a hands-on experience with studio cameras, microphones, control room switcher, graphics and audio.
Students interested in video production, editing, and writing are strongly encouraged to participate. The final project will be played on Access Framingham TV and made available online on the www.accessfram.tv website. All participants will receive a DVD of the show.
In order to ensure that each student gets individual attention and the maximum amount of hands-on experience, the class size is limited to 12 campers.
The cost of the one week workshop is $175.00, and includes a one-year AF-TV membership, which enables use of our studio facilities and certification, with parental supervision, to check out AF-TV production equipment to work on additional programming throughout the year.
For more information on the course and how to register, please contact the AF-TV studio in Framingham at 508-875-5434, or by sending email to: info@accessfram.tv