FRAMINGHAM, MA – The following information is about activities and services at the Callahan Senior Center for the month of February 2012.
NOTICE: Most of the activities, special programs and events listed below require signing up or advance reservation, (unless otherwise noted). Please do so in advance so activities can be scheduled effectively and in the appropriate space.
Town of Framingham & Callahan Center Snowstorm Policy Notice – If the schools close due to snowstorms or other inclement weather days, there will be no activities at the Center. On these days, the Town of Framingham Staff will be available to you at the Center, unless the Town of Framingham declares an emergency closing.
New Member Orientation Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month. If you have just joined Callahan you might want to attend one of these meetings as we enjoy coffee and pastry, answer your questions and seek your input on activities. Please join us on Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 from 9:30 – 10:00 AM..
Callahan’s “Wear Red Day”!
Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 10:00 am – Callahan’s “Wear Red Day”! In recognition of National Heart Awareness Month, our program in February is about your healthy heart. February 16th is Callahan’s “Wear Red Day”! The morning’s activities will include a talk on how to take care of your heart. Please sign up at the front desk or call 508-532-5980 to reserve a seat!
The weekly drop-in Bereavement Support Group has been in existence for over 10 years and is currently co-facilitated by Rich Barton LICSW & Deacon Michael Mott (Metrowest Home Care and Hospice). It continues to meet every Monday from 10-11:30 AM at the Callahan Center. In addition, Judith Chaloux, Beacon Hospice Bereavement Coordinator will run a six week support group called “Healing the Grieving Heart” beginning on February 7th from 2-3:30 pm. Please contact Judith directly to Register at (508) 875-1380.
Support Groups at Callahan Senior Center:
- Bereavement Support Group: Mondays, February 6, 13 & 27 at 10:00 am. Center closed for Presidents’ Day holiday.
- Better Breathers’ Support Group: Wednesday, February 8 at 12:00 pm.
- Diabetes Support Group: Tuesday, February 28 at 10:00 am.
- Caregivers’ Support Group: Wednesday, February 22 at 1:00 pm.
- Grandparent Support Group: Wednesday, February 29 at 7:00 pm. Please call the Center to confirm in the event of a change.
- “Living with Cancer” Support Group: Thursday, February 16 at 9:00 am.
- Low Vision Group: No meetings in January and February.
- “Men’s Prostate” Support Group: Tuesday, February 7 at 9:00 am.
- Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, February 21 at 1:30 pm. Stroke Survivors’ Support Group: Monday, February 6 at 1:00 pm.
BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR FEBRUARY – Wednesdays, February 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 9:30 am —12:30 pm.
SHINE: “Help! My new Part D Plan doesn’t cover all my medications!!” If you have a new Medicare Part D plan and have just found out that your new plan does NOT cover a drug you have been taking, you should know about transition refills. Transition refills may give you temporary coverage (one-time, 30-day supply) for a drug that is not on your new plan’s formulary OR that has restrictions (prior authorization or step therapy). Not all pharmacists know about transition refills. Ask your pharmacist to call your Part D plan for special instructions. Trained SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) volunteers can help you! They offer free, confidential counseling on all aspects of health insurance to anyone on Medicare. Call your senior center and ask for a SHINE appointment. You can also call 1-800-AGE-INFO (1-800-243-4636), then press or say 3. Once you get the SHINE answering machine, leave your name and number. A volunteer will call you back, as soon as possible.
Independent Transportation Network (ITN) is introducing a program called CarTrade. If you own a car just sitting in your driveway and no longer drive, do explore this new program by calling Jean Patel Bushnell (508) 309-7375 or jpbusnell@itngreaterboston.org. There are many details that will benefit you, but PLEASE contact them directly to get all your inquires explored and answered.
The Friends of Callahan will hold their general meeting on Monday, February 13 at 1:30 pm. Entertainment will be provided by the Goldentones (Notable Choral Group). Refreshments will be served.
The next Friends’ Luncheon is Wednesday, February 15 and Wednesday, February 29 at 11:30 am. There is only one seating at 11:30 am. The cost is $4.00 per person. You must stop by the front desk or call the Callahan Center at 508-532-5980 to make your reservation by the Friday prior to the luncheon. No exceptions and no refunds. Lunch will be provided by Mark Curtis of the American Eagles Grille. Menu: Wednesday, February 15 – Spaghetti & Meatballs and Wednesday, February 29 – Shepherd’s Pie.
Tax Time Help for Seniors!
Tax Preparation – The AARP Tax Counselors will be at Callahan Center to assist you with filing your taxes. These counselors are all volunteers who are trained in filing tax forms and basic schedules. They will be here on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from mid-February through mid-April. This program is designed for Framingham seniors who meet the following guidelines; single with annual income of $40,000 or under, and a joint filing with annual income of up to $60,000. No complex tax returns can be completed by AARP Tax Counselors. YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR AN APPOINTMENT IN ADVANCE. Appointments fill up fast, so don’t wait! Call the Callahan Center at 508-532-5980 and schedule time with an AARP Counselor. This is a wonderful opportunity and there is no charge for this service, however donations to the Friends of Callahan are welcomed.
Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit – The Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit is a highly effective, targeted tax credit for any homeowner or renter age 65 or older who meets the income and property value guidelines, and, unlike other types of local property tax exemptions, the state pays for it. The maximum credit for the coming tax year is $970. The Department of Revenue has released the rules and regulations for the program tax year 2010. To qualify, an owner or renter’s total income cannot exceed $51,000 for a single person and $64,000 for head of household and $77,000 for a married couple filing a joint return. The property’s assessed value cannot exceed $764,000. A great number of senior homeowners and renters may qualify for this refundable tax credit against personal income taxes. If you do not usually file taxes, you can still qualify for this credit. When having your taxes done, be sure to remind your preparer to look into this for you. This program is also retroactive for the past three years if you have not filed for the Circuit Breaker in the past.
LEGAL CLINIC – The Callahan Center will be offering a Legal Clinic on the 4th Tuesday of every month. On February 28th appointments begin at 9:00 AM. Call Deb at 508-532-5980 x4110 to schedule a consultation.
Programs & Events!
Callahan Computer Literacy Center is offering the following courses February and March. Courses are $20 and class size is limited. To register, call 508-532-5980, extension 4118.
- Introduction to Microsoft Word Processing – Wednesdays, 1:00 pm- 2:30 pm
- Introduction to Digital Photography – Thursday, 10:00-11:30 am
- Introduction to Personal Computers – Tuesdays, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Electronic Device Clinics – Starting in February!! As an Intergenerational Volunteer Activity…Clinics on use of Electronic Devices to include your cell phone, iPods, Kindles, & Cable TV remote controls. One-on-one tutoring by students at the Callahan Center. See Center bulletin board postings for details.
Callahan Center BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – All members of the Callahan Center are welcome to attend the monthly meetings. We meet on the last Thursday of the month at 1 P.M. There is no charge for this program. You will enjoy the discussion more if you read the book for the month—however that is not a requirement for attending. The group selected the following books for the coming months:
- February: “Away” by Amy Bloom – An epic story moves from Czarist Russia to the Lower East Side to Seattle to Alaska.
- March: “Shanghai Girls” by Lisa See – In 1937 two Chinese sisters are sold into marriage; they move to U.S. and hard times ensue.
- April: “Fair and Tender Ladies” by Lee Smith – Set in early to mid 20th century in the mountains of Virginia, and told entirely in letters.
- May: YOU will help select future titles!
Please join us in friendly, interesting and lively discussions about these titles and perhaps about other books and authors as well. Books are available through the Minuteman Library System. The Framingham Public Library can get the books for you. Call them at 508-532-5570 (press 1)—or contact the group coordinator Eleanor Brody, at 508-872-6162 or by her email at clutterclear@aol.com
Thursday and It Must Be Movie Time – Popcorn, drinks and fun, all for only $2.00. The Movie Group has switched to the Red Box! The good news is we will have new and interesting movies, but unfortunately we will not be able to list the movies of the month in our newsletter, which makes it mysterious and exciting! You may call on Mondays to see what the movie for Thursday afternoon will be and we will be more than happy to let you know. We will also have postings at the Center. Check the bulletin boards!
Foster Children’s Project – Lorraine Fournier, Project Coordinator – The Foster Children’s Project will take place on Wednesday, February 15th at 9:15 am. Students and five teachers from the Fuller Middle School will pack 40 bags of small items for the Foster students’ project. The bags are made by the Latino group and the items inside are donated by the Callahan Center and homebound elders. Students will be served refreshments. We thank everyone for their efforts, generosity and support of this valuable project.
Paraffin Hand Waxing – Rina Zarba Licensed Aesthetician and teacher at Keefe Tech. has appointments for Paraffin Hand Waxing each month. Please call or stop by the Front Desk for this month’s date and times. Limited appointments – 508-532-5980.
COME PLAY Wii – We now have a Wii game and would love to have you come and play. The Wii is a video game system made by Nintendo that has a unique interface that forces players to get physically involved in the game playing action. It’s EASY and FUN!!! Come to our demo & play on Monday, February 6th at 11:00 am. There will be TENNIS, GOLF, BOWLING & BASEBALL – Its fun, it’s competitive, it’s exercise without even trying.
Volunteer Outreach Services Corner – We need individuals to assist residents in the following ways:
- Telephone Reassurance – briefly call elder residents daily to inquire of well-being.
- Food Shopping Assistance – shop for grocery and other household items.
- Friendly Visiting – visit elder residents periodically providing friendly contact.
Reach out! By serving, you respond to the need and strengthen our community! Contact Sam Swisher, Volunteer Outreach Coordinator at
Callahan Center via phone: (508) 532-5980, Ext. 4113 or via email: ccvolrec@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator for Fundraising – The Friends of Callahan are searching for an experienced fundraiser, preferably a retiree who has experience with non-profits. If you are interested and want more details, please call 508-877-3319 and ask for Leo Cantin.
Heritage Gallery Volunteers Needed! Come join our fun staff of volunteers at the Heritage Gallery, our consignment shop. If you would enjoy working with lovely people, interesting products and a pleasant atmosphere, we’re looking for you! We need volunteers one day a week from 10:00 am until 2:15 pm. If interested, please call Janice McIntyre at the Callahan Center, 508-532-5980, ext. 4106.
For additional information about the Callahan Senior Center, or other services, activities or programs of the Framingham Council on Aging visit the center at 535 Union Ave, Framingham, MA 01702, or phone (508) 532-5980.