FRAMINGHAM, MA – After months of stalled permitting, the Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe is slated to open this week in the former Registry of Motor Vehicles, (RMV), building at 10 Pearl Street in Downtown Framingham.
Operated by the United Way of Tri-County, the primary function will be to serve as a food pantry which will provide a week’s worth of food, (once a month), to those in need.
In addition to the food pantry operation, the facility will will house a “Clothing Corner” and “Book Nook” which will provide donated [gently used] childrens’ clothing and books to parents and caregivers who need those items.
Volunteers are needed to staff the pantry, and donations of non-perishable food are requested.
To generate additional revenue, the Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe encourages people to drop off bottles and cans which it will redeem and recycle. The bottle and can collection area will be located near the facility’s Donations / Drop-off entrance.
More than just a food pantry, the United Way plans to offer services including help with applying for Food Stamps and Fuel Assistance, and will offer monthly workshops on budget management, nutrition, and other topics of interest to those struggling to make ends meet.
At first hours of operation will be limited to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:00am – 1:00pm.
Future plans include partnering with Baypath Elder Services (of Marlborough) to operate a noontime meals program for Framingham area seniors, and to offer evening meals for families and individuals.
At first hours of operation will be limited to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:00am – 1:00pm.
For additional information, or to make donations, or to volunteer your time, contact Pearl Street Cupboard & Cafe, 10 Pearl Street, Framingham, MA 01702 or phone (508) 879-2063, ext. 202, or visit the PSCC web page at: www.uwotc.org/food/framingham