FRAMINGHAM, MA – Framingham Baseball, Framingham Firefighters, Timothy’s Toy Box, Operation E.L.F., the US Marines, the MA State Police and countless individuals and organizations work to make sure no Framingham child is forgotten during the holiday season.
We’ve listed a few of the events going on this week. If you know of other toy drives, charitable holiday parties or other efforts, please use the comment section at the end of the article to let others know!
Framingham Baseball 9th Annual Toy Drive
On Thursday, December 8th, 2011 from 7:00pm ’til 11:00pm Framingham Baseball will be holding its 9th Annual Toy Drive at O’Connell’s Pub, 700 Worcester Rd, (Rt. 9), Framingham. All are welcome! Just bring an unwrapped toy for a girl or boy! Toys collected will be delivered by The Framingham Fire Dept along with Timothy’s Toy Box to Framingham’s kids in need.

Timothy’s Toy Box is a Framingham based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established by Sharon Gilbert and her son Timothy in 2007, “to help local children in need during the holiday season”.
Timothy’s Toy Box works closely with local Framingham organizations, (Framingham Baseball, Fire Dept., State Police / Toys for Tots), to coordinate collecting, wrapping and distributing toys. For additional information or to donate online, visit the Timothy’s Toy Box website at:
For more information about the Framingham Baseball / Timothy’s Toy Box toy drive or holiday party, please contact Janet Leombruno at (508) 989-4938.
Operation ELF

An Operation ELF Holiday Party will be held Sunday, December 11th, 2011 from 1:00pm ’til 4:00pm at the Eagles Lodge, 55 Park St. in Framingham. Enjoy a potluck meal with other elves, bid in a silent auction, enjoy music, face painting, holiday games, a visit from Santa, raffles and more! Open to all! Please bring non-perishable food items that will be used to make holiday baskets for families in need, new toys, or volunteer to help sort and wrap presents.
Sponsor a child! According to the Operation ELF website, it costs only $40-$50 to fill a wish list. Each donor (who remain anonymous) is provided a wish list along with the child’s first name, age, sizes and the name of the agency through which the the gift will be delivered, (by the “elves”).
Operation ELF is an all-volunteer charitable not-for-profit organization serving children in Eastern MA, Southern NH and VT. For more info contact Operation ELF, 1 Meadowbrook Dr., Andover, MA 01810, send email to: or visit:

Toys for Tots
Locally the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is coordinated by 1st Sgt. Paulette Newcomb at Fort Devens.
The MA State Police also collect for Toys for Tots at the State Police Barracks, 450 Worcester Rd., Framingham, MA, (located on the eastbound side of Rt. 9 between Prospect Street and Rt. 126/Concord Street), and at several locations and events throughout Framingham.
The nationally recognized Toys for Tots collection boxes with the “Marines Toys for Tots” logo can be found in the Framingham Post Offices and many retail stores and offices in town, (please use comment section below to list box locations).
For more info about Toys for Tots in Middlesex County, MA contact 1st Sgt. Paulette Newcomb at Fort Devens by phone at: (781)229-3941, or email her at or visit the website at: