FRAMINGHAM, MA – Vici Group, Inc., a web services company located at 41 Beacon Street, Framingham believes its approach to the online deals market is different enough from Groupon, Woot, DailyDeal and other group buying websites to cut into the lucrative discount online shopping market. Maybe it is.
Yesterday, (Oct. 31, 2011), the company launched it’s myVici.com website which takes its name from the latin “vici” meaning “conquer” and hopes the concept they’ve come up with will allow consumers to conquer the online deals marketplace.
Instead of waiting for a restaurant, retailer or other business to make an offer to consumers, myVici.com turns the deal on its head — consumers log in to the website and request businesses make them a discounted offer.
Described as a “social buying website”, the company hopes to get consumers to use Facebook, Twitter, email and other forms of social networking to encourage others to join buying groups.
Once enough consumers show an interest in being offered a deal from a particular merchant, (currently 100+ consumers), myVici will contact the merchant and propose they offer the group a deal.
In a press release, Mike Tokar, founder & CEO of myVici said, “People will be using social consumption tools like myVici to manage what brands are connecting with them, with what offers, when and how. It’s at that point that marketing becomes more relevant and efficient for consumers and businesses alike. Traditional marketing and other deal sites are like driving while blind-folded: you can’t see where you are going and don’t really know what you are about to hit. With myVici businesses can reward their best and most profitable customers after we help pull everyone together.”
The screen capture below shows the homepage of the myVici.com website. Along with a list of currently forming groups, each listing shows the number of people interested in getting a deal from that merchant, and links to share the deal via social media sites.

Once a merchant makes a live deal offer the original group members have a 1 day to pre-buy before the deal becomes available to everyone. The number of people who can take advantage of that particular deal capped to a certain number, to encourage consumers to take the deal sooner rather than later.
In addition to the basic group offerings, myVici will also offer “Spotlight Deals” which are based on consumers interests, (e.g.- if you’re a member and have expressed interest in restaurants in a certain area, or a particular type of retail merchandise, myVici may offer you relevant deals from other vendors).
Tokar added, “myVici was created because group buying sites were falling short on relevancy to consumers and value to merchants. myVici solves this by letting consumers speak their minds and enabling businesses to respond with offers. Consumers win by getting the most relevant and interesting offers and merchants win by getting repeat and more loyal customers.”
For more info, contact Vici Group, Inc., 41 Beacon Street, Suite 202, Framingham, MA 01701, phone: (800) 870-7119, by email at: teamvici@myvici.com, on the web at: www.myvici.com, or visit their Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/MyVici, or view on Twitter at: twitter.com/#!/myvici