FRAMINGHAM, MA – On September 11th, 2011 the Town of Framingham held a Remembrance Ceremony and Vigil marking the tenth anniversary of the horrific events which took place on a day that is now known to all simply as “9/11”.
While nearly anyone of a conscious age on that day in 2001 will have a clear and distinct memory of where they were, who they were with, how they felt, and what they did upon hearing the news that not one, but two airplanes had crashed into the World Trade Towers in New York.
Shortly after news that the twin towers had been the target of a group of suicidal hijacker’s attacks, reports came in that yet another hijacked plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth in a field in Pennsylvania — — and that our country was under attack.
Seventeen people with ties to Framingham — people who either resided in town, had grown up here, or worked here perished in the plane crashes and building collapses of 9/11.

The events of the day for the Tenth Anniversary included a silent vigil beginning at 8:00a.m., followed by a series of events which were carefully coordinated to occur “to the minute” of the events which unfolded ten years earlier.
A special tribute was made at the exact times each plane crashed in 2001.
- At 8:46a.m. a tribute to those who lost their lives when Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. A wreath was placed within the living memorial, and flame was lit atop one of two granite posts which represent the towers.
- At 9:03a.m., to honor those who lost their lives when Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center a second wreath was placed, and a flame was lit atop the second granite post.
- At 9:37a.m., a wreath was placed to honor those who were killed when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
- At 10:03a.m. a fourth and final wreath was placed to honor those aboard Flight 93, who valiantly attempted to fight off the terrorists who were hijacking the plane, yet lost their lives when it crashed 80 Miles Southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Two granite posts were symbolically positioned within the Framingham’s September 11th Memorial. Each represents one of the two “twin towers” of the World Trade Center. During the remembrance ceremony, a small lantern was placed atop each of the granite posts, and at the precise times planes struck each towers, a lantern was lit. Each lantern’s flame was then extinguished 10-years to the minute that each tower fell.
The September 11th Memorial at Cushing Memorial Park, Framingham, MA U.S.A.
At 10:30 a.m., Jason Smith, Chairman of the Framingham Board of Selectman began the speaking part of the ceremony. Charlie Sisitsky, also a Selectman in Framingham then spoke, reflecting on the events of September 11th, 2001.
Dennis Giombetti, and Ginger Esty, (both also Selectmen), then read the names aloud of each of the 17 people who had ties to Framingham and died in the 9/11 tragedy.
Following the reading of the name, Reverend Richard Hurst of the Framingham Lutheran church spoke and offered prayers for those who perished.
Wearing traditional Scottish Kilts and dress, Framingham Police Sergeant Kathy Esposito and Framingham Fire Fighter Joe Mazzolla then played “Amazing Grace” on bagpipes.
Monsignor Francis Straham of St. Patrick’s Parish then led a community singing of “God Bless America”.
The Framingham Fire Department and Framingham Police Department Color Guards and Honor Guards which had performed several services throughout the ceremony then formed up and marched away from the memorial as Framingham Police Officer Peter Tessicini, standing alone among the field of nearly 3000 flags played “Taps” on a silver bugle.

See more photos in our special Framingham 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Photo Section.
These images are ©RMH, framingham.com — but are Free for non-commercial use. We also have many other photos and video clips from that day, and larger hi-resolution files. Please contact us if you need hi-res images. For commercial use, please contact us for permissions.