FRAMINGHAM & BOSTON, MA – Piers Park Sailing in East Boston is hosting a Framingham Sailing Program sponsored by the Disability Commission of Framingham for Framingham residents ages 10 to 21 who have an Individualized Education Program, (IEP), or a documented medical disability.
Sailing dates are all on Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon starting September 17th, 2011 and the following four Saturdays; Sept. 24th, Oct. 1st, Oct. 8th and Oct. 15th. In addition, Saturday Oct. 22nd is reserved for a “makeup day” should any of the sailing dates be canceled).
To participate in the program, child must be a year-round resident of Framingham, be between the ages of 10 and 21, and have an IEP or a documented medical disability and child must child up sign up for ALL five sail dates.
There is no cost for the program. Those interested in participating are encouraged to sign up early as space is limited to 15 children. If you are interested in having your child participate, or need more info, call Maureen at (617) 561-6677 ext. 15, or email: sailing@F-SEPAC.org
Complete information about the Piers Park Sailing program along with Registration & Release form, Swim Certificate and Health Certificate in .PDF format can be downloaded here. (Note: forms are dated 2010, but are for use for the 2011 program Swimming Certification may be waived at discretion of Piers Park Sailing).
To find out more about Piers Park Sailing visit www.piersparksailing.org
This program is sponsored by the Disability Commission of Framingham and organized with the help of the Framingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council, (F-SEPAC). For more info about F-SEPAC , visit website at: www.F-SEPAC.org