FRAMINGHAM, MA – Roadwork on several major capital improvement projects in town will continue this week, (Monday through Friday, August 15th through August 20th, 2011).
Delays due to traffic and detours around some of the work sites can add to driving times, so motorists should plan accordingly.
The Town of Framingham’s Department of Public Works / Highway Division / Capital Projects website offers residents and visitors to Framingham helpful information about current and upcoming construction projects.
You can view up to date traffic alerts, maps of project work sites and traffic detours, and sign up to receive email alerts for all or any of the currently listed projects, (see link below for more info).
The email traffic alert for the week of August 22nd – 26th, 2011 indicates that:
- Sewer construction will restrict vehicular traffic on “A” Street to local traffic only. While construction is in progress; it may be necessary for residents to access their properties, through the opposite intersection of Concord Street and “A” Street depending upon the location of the construction zone. At the end of each work day, normal traffic flow on “A” Street will resume. Access to side streets and Framingham High School will be maintained throughout the construction. Construction activities will take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

- Construction crews will mobilize to Bridges Street Extension to begin sewer main construction. While construction is in progress; Bridges Street Extension will be open to local traffic only. Construction activities will take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Construction crews continue to install double sewer force main on Concord Street heading south in the northbound lane, crews are currently working near the intersection of Concord Street and Hardy Street. Southbound traffic on Concord Street will be detoured from Concord Street to Summer Street, from Summer Street to Beacon Street and from Beacon Street to Cochituate Road. Access to properties and side streets will be maintained throughout construction. Construction activities will take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Deep gravity sewer main installation on Concord Street, has proceeded north of the intersection of Cochituate Road (Route 30), construction crews will relocate south of Cochituate Road on Concord Street between Cochituate Road and Landseer Avenue to complete the installation of the deep gravity sewer main to the newly installed manhole on Cochituate Road. Traffic on Route 30 east has been detoured to Beacon Street, from Beacon Street to Fairbanks Street, from Fairbanks Street to Concord Street north, from Concord Street north back onto Route 30 east. All businesses are accessible from Concord Street and Route 30 east between Beacon Street and Concord Street north. Construction activities will take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Water main replacement will take place at the intersection of Concord Street and Cochituate Road. Construction activities will take place overnight between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Danforth Street Bridge, Framingham, MA (Arpil 1, 2011) The Danforth Street Bridge will be closed during construction, (see MassDOT link below for more info).
- The Edgell Road construction bypass will affect all through traffic. Both northbound and southbound traffic travelling on Edgell Road will be directed around the Town Common and back onto Edgell Road. Residents on Edgell Road, north of Auburn Street will be able to reach their properties from the north. The entrance to Auburn Street at Edgell Road will be closed daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Auburn Street, Auburn Street Ext. and Beulah Street can be accessed from Worcester Road. Grove Street and Library Street will remain open during this phase of construction. At the end of each construction work day, traffic flow on Edgell Road will revert back to the southbound traffic detour around the Town Common (Southbound traffic will be diverted from Edgell Road to Vernon Street, from Vernon Street to Oak Street, and from Oak Street back onto Edgell Road.) with northbound traffic continuing travel on Edgell Road. Access to Auburn Street from Edgell Road will also be restored at the end of each work day.

- The Fountain Street Bridge will be closed during construction. It is anticipated that the bridge will be closed until late September of 2011. Traffic will be detoured to the west, over the Winter Street Bridge and the Fountain Street Bridge in Ashland, (see MassDOT link below for more info).
- Deep gravity sewer main installation will continue on Gorman Road. Gorman Road will be open to local traffic only between Concord Street and Grant Street Ext. during construction hours, normal traffic patterns will resume at the close of each work day. Construction activities are scheduled to take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- Roadway reconstruction activities will continue on State Street with the installation of driveway aprons, curbing and sidewalk installation. State Street will be restricted to local traffic only during construction operations. Construction activities are scheduled to take place daily between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Police detail officers will be present to ensure safe vehicular and pedestrian travel. If you encounter any problems due to this work, contact the Capital Construction Hotline at (508) 532-6040.
Additional info can be found at the Town of Framingham Dept. of Public Works/Capital Projects website www.BuildingFramingham.com or for state highway projects, bridge replacement work, etc, at the MassDOT website www.MassDOT.state.ma.us