Framingham, MA – Sixth and seventh graders from the Fuller Middle School who have participated in an after-school program at Framingham Public Access are among the finalists in Middlesex County District Attorney Gerry Leone’s new Cyber-Safety PSA Contest.
The youngsters have been learning television production skills under the watchful eyes of Fuller Middle School teacher Patrick Galligan and FPAC’s Francesca Cerutti-Harris. The weekly classes have been part of a partnership between the 21st Century After School Programs, the Framingham Public Schools, and FPAC.
The students have put their new skills to good use. The PSA recognized by the District Attorney’s office is focused on the potential problems of posting too much information on Facebook, presented in a funny yet very thought-provoking way.
FPAC will be showing the PSA throughout the month of June, with special telecasts on the following dates and times:
- Saturday, June 4, at 10:30am
- Sunday, June 5, at 8:00pm
- Monday, June 6, at 7:00pm
Club members will find out if their PSA has been selected as the winner of DA Leone’s contest on June 20th. The winner will have their project professionally edited and shown throughout the commonwealth.