FRAMINGHAM, MA – Pick up some fresh fruit, veggies and other farm fresh local produce on the Pike!
Starting this weekend commuters traveling the MassPike, (I-90), will be able to purchase farm fresh fruits, vegetables and other products grown or made locally in Massachusetts at the Framingham MassPike Service Plaza from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.
The plaza is located westbound on I-90 between exits 12 and 13.
Items for sale may included anything from farm fresh strawberries to baked goods, cheeses, jams and jellies, maple syrup, honey, eggs, flowers and more. (The vendors are permitted to sell anything that does not compete with items sold in the service plaza restaurants and store).
Aside from the Framingham location, travelers will find similar Farmer’s Markets setup at 18 locations on state roads from Western Mass to Cape Cod at service plazas off of the MassPike, Rt. 128, Rt. 24 , Rt. 3 and Rt. 6.
The program is designed to connect shoppers with fresh produce and to promote local farmers, healthy eating and “Grown in Massachusetts / Made in Massachusetts” products.

If you don’t have any reason to take the Pike you can still visit the market!. Take Brook St. to Woodland Dr., then take a left at end. There is a small parking lot behind the plaza. You can not drive into the service plaza, you need to park and walk through gate.
The program, sponsored by The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, (MassDOT), and the Dept. of Agriculture. Those receiving WIC, SNAP and other state and federal programs which assist low income individuals and families may be able to use their benefits at some of the Farmer’s Markets by using their benefit card to purchase “scrip” (printed “bills” and tokens) which can then be used to purchase items from individual sellers. (To take advantage of this program, inquire with market manager for details ).
For more information about Massachusetts Farmer’s Markets in general, visit the Massachusetts Dept. of Agriculture “MassGrown” website at: www.mass.gov/agr/massgrown/
For more information about setting up a booth at one of the MassDOT roadside farmer’s markets, contact Dave Fenton by email at: dave.fenton@state.ma.us or by phone at: (413) 572-3171.