FRAMINGHAM, MA – The following information is about activities and services at the Callahan Senior Center for the month of February, 2011.
NOTICE: Most of the activities listed below require signing up. Please do so in advance so activities can be scheduled effectively and in the appropriate space.
Staying Healthy! Staying Fit! Presents “Heart Truths”, Friday, February 4th at 10:00 am National Wear Red Day. Wear something red. Learn how to care for your heart. Refreshments and prizes!!
New Member Orientation Meeting, Tuesday, February 8, 2011 from 9:30 – 10:30 AM, (held the 2nd Tuesday of every month). If you have just joined Callahan you might want to attend one of these meetings as we enjoy coffee and pastry, answer your questions and seek your input on activities.
The Foster Children’s Project, Thursday, February 10th, 2011 from 9:30—11:15 am, Students and five teachers from the Fuller Middle School will pack 40 bags of small items for local foster children.
BEGINNERS’ BRIDGE! Friday, February 11th, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Whether you used to play bridge or would like to branch out, please feel welcome to join this friendly group. We’ll be starting from the very beginning.
Friends of Callahan Meeting, Monday, February 14, 2011 at 1:30 pm, (at the Callahan Center). Entertainment will be provided by Jack Craig with a Valentine Program.
Tuesday and It Must Be Movie Time! Due to popular demand we will be showing movies every other Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm. Sit back and relax in the Blais Room with free Popcorn and drinks as Callahan presents……
- Tuesday, February 8 – The Bucket List, (2007) – comedy with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman
- Tuesday, February 22 – Cocoon, (1985), fantasy with Brian Dennehy and Don Ameche.
Callahan’s Book Club meeting, Thursday, February 24th at 1:00 pm. The book will be determined at the January meeting. Check the bulletin boards for further information or call Deb at 508-532-5980, ext.4110.
My Life, My Health – A Chronic Disease Management program. Thursday, February 24th at 1:00 pm. Is living with a persistent health condition preventing you from really living your life? It doesn’t have to! Share what you know and learn from others who are experiencing similar challenges such as: chronic pain, limited mobility, decreased energy, frustration with limitations. Learn strategies developed and tested by researchers from Stanford University Medical Center. This is a 6-week session that will run every week from 1:00–3:30 pm. BayPath Elder Services is offering this Healthy Aging Evidenced Based Educational Program at Callahan. Please sign up now by calling 508-532-5980!
“Are You Worried About Swallowing?”, Monday, February 28th at 11:30 am Dr. Roya Sayadi, a speech-language pathologist with the Natick VNA, and Dr. Joel Herskowitz, a pediatric neurologist on the Boston University Medical School faculty, invite members of the Callahan community to bring their questions and concerns about swallowing for an informal discussion.
Anyone interested in Board Games? How about learning a new game or playing an old favorite-Checkers or Chess? Strategic moves on a game board are good for our brain health. We have someone who would be interested in organizing groups on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00-4:00 pm.Sudoku……We are still trying to get a group going for the Spring. Please call if you would be interested in learning the skills involved in this pencil and paper game that is all the current rage! Call Deb at 508-532-5980, ext. 4110.
Support Groups at Callahan Senior Center:
- Bereavement Support Group: Mondays, February 7, 14 and 28 at 10:00 am. Center closed Monday, February 21.
- “Better Breathers” Support Group: Wednesday, February 9 at 12:00 pm.
- Caregivers’ Support Group: Wednesday, February 23 at 1:00 pm.
- Diabetes Support Group: Tuesday, February 22 at 10:00 am.
- Grandparent Support Group: Wednesday, February 23 at 7:00 pm. Please call the Center to confirm in the event of a change.
- Low Vision Group: No meeting in January or February.
- Parkinson’s Support Group: Tuesday, February 15 at 1:30 pm.
- Stroke Survivors’ Support Group: Monday, February 7 at 1:00 pm.
- BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR FEBRUARY on Wednesdays, February 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 9:30am—12:30pm.
Certified SHINE (Medicare) Counselors Needed • Are you looking for a challenging volunteer opportunity? • Do you enjoy learning about complex topics? • Are you good at analyzing and solving problems? • Do you like to work with people? The SHINE program may be just what you are looking for! The SHINE program helps seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare to understand the many and increasingly complex insurance options available to them. The need for certified volunteers to educate and provide unbiased information has never been greater. The spring SHINE training will begin in March and run for two days per week over a six-week period at Whitney Place at Natick. For more information about becoming a SHINE Counselor, call Dorene Nemeth, MetroWest Regional SHINE Director at (508) 532-5980 x 4109. Bilingual, bicultural and minority individuals are encouraged to apply.
Coming in March !
- March 11-25, 2011 – A fun-filled Trip to Florida is planned, “Snowbird Escape” will include motorcoach, 14 nights hotel, 16 meals, tour guide and much more! This trip will have an optional day trip to a Red Sox spring training game. Price $1899.00 Twin – Come on in and pick up a flyer!
- March 21 – Self-Defense Class
- March 24 – Staying Healthy! Staying Fit! “Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain”
- Movies: “Gone with the Wind” and “Gettysburg”
- March 24 – Book Club: “Killer Angels”
Town of Framingham & Callahan Center Snowstorm Policy Notice – If the schools close due to snowstorms or other inclement weather days, there will be no activities at the Center. On these days, the Town of Framingham Staff will be available to you at the Center, unless the Town of Framingham declares an emergency closing.
For additional information about the Callahan Senior Center, or other services, activities or programs of the Framingham Council on Aging visit the center at 535 Union Ave, Framingham, MA 01702, or phone (508) 532-5980.