FRAMINGHAM, MA – Students in the Framingham High School “Photo 2” program will have their works on display at Annie’s Book Stop / Espresso Paulo, (in the Nobscot Shopping Center, Water St., Framingham), for the month of January 2011.
The juried exhibit of approximately 40 original framed photos are the works of FHS upperclassmen enrolled in Rebecca Cauchon’s second year photography program at the high school.
On January 16, 2010, from 2:00PM to 4:00PM a reception for the student photographers will be held, at which time the judges’ decisions for juried photos will be announced as well as a “People’s Choice” award.
Photos by the following FHS students will be included in the exhibit: Camille Bauer Lostaunau, Natalie Beier, Zach Bloomstein, Corey Bois, Nicole Caponetti, Nayara Da Silva, Alex De Sena, Noelle Deneault, Marcos Do Canto, Sophie Donahue, Johabe Franco, Dan Frazee, Maria Grandoni, Jenna Hurley, Danielle Lagman, Leo Rangel, Rob Rentel, Chris Starr, Mark Welcome, and independent study students Giles Holbrow and Cameron Burke.
The photography courses Rebecca Cauchon has taught at Framingham High Schools for the past 11 years are part of the fine arts curriculum. Cauchon noted that while other courses at the school employ photography and teach students to use Photoshop and other digital image software, that her photography courses include shooting with film, developing negatives, manually enlarging and cropping images, printing and developing photos and other traditional darkroom skills. She added that the courses have become so popular that additional classes have to be added to accommodate the number of interested students.
Cauchon and her husband Bradley live in Framingham and are both professional photographers. The couple met when they attended the New England School of Photography and now operate a photography business focusing on special occasions; bar-mitvahs, weddings and senior portraits. The company, Cauchon Photgraphy, provides internship opportunities to FHS students giving them first hand experience working on commercial photography jobs.
Following in his parent’s footsteps, the couple’s son, Dylan, a 2010 FHS grad, (and winner of multiple Boston Globe Scholastic awards for his own photo work), is now attending Humboldt University as an art major with emphasis on photography.
With her son’s encouragement, Rebecca has been delving into the world of websites, social networking and blogging to do online promotion of the student’s work. The FHS Photo Blog showcases the student’s photos, current and past assignments and invites comments. An online poll asks students to vote for their favorite image from a recent advertising photography assignment. Cauchon also posts notices, updates and links to the FHS photo blog on a Facebook page and seeks out other online outlets to promote the program.
The FHS Photo exhibit runs the entire month of January 2011 in the Nobscot Gallery, (inside Annie’s Book Stop / Espresso Paulo, Nobscot Shopping Center where owner Paul Ashton regularly features month-long exhibits of local arts). Be sure to drop in and cast a vote for your favorite photo! Open Hours: Mon – Sat 7:00AM ’til 6:00pm, and Sundays’ from 11:00AM until 4:00PM.
For more info visit:
www.fhsphoto.com – Framingham High School Photo Blog.
www.espressopaulo.com – Espresso Paulo / Annies Bookstop, in Nobscot.
www.cauchonphoto.com – Cauchon Photography, Framingham, MA.