FRAMINGHAM, MA – It will probably be several hours before Santa makes it to Framingham, or even to the New England coast.
Luckily with the help of NORAD, (The North American Aerospace Defense Command), you can track Santa’s progress and see him fly in and out of suburban cities, country towns and rural villages as he makes his way around the world for Christmas 2010.
When we last checked he was in Bignona, Senegal and headed for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands.
We zoomed in on the map to see how many stops Santa had to make and saw the thousands of homes in Casablanca, Morocco alone!

After looking at the big map we turned on the Google Earth real time 3-D mapping and caught Santa and the reindeer in-flight. Then we veered off to the North Pole while Santa was delivering some presents in the Ivory Coast.

We found a little video that explained how NORAD senses heat signatures from Rudolph’s bright red nose to track Santa’s sleigh — and the NORAD guys hook it up to some type of Google Maps / GPS software and, viola’ — we’ve lojacked Santa!
If the winds are good over the Atlantic he should reach the U.S. Eastern seaboard before midnight — unless he decides to go to South America first… check the NORAD Santa Tracker for up to the minute reports. If you have Google Earth installed there are some nice hidden features if you zoom around.
Track Santa now at: www.noradsanta.org