FRAMINGHAM, MA – Herb Chasan, Framingham Precinct 4 Town Meeting Member, (and local home improvement contractor), is sending out an S.O.S — a “Save Our Schools” message.
In September, Chasan, registered a domain name and put together a website, www.FraminghamSaveOurSchools.org which provides info about recent school budget cuts and prompts visitors to sign and online petition.
The site contains materials listing what the past four years of reduced funding and the latest $6 million dollars in cuts have done to Framingham schools.
While newspapers and talk on the street decry elimination of elementary school music, or cuts in school bus transportation — many don’t realize the number of education and support positions (and programs) that were also cut back or eliminated.
The website is linked to the online service www.ePetitions.com to allow residents to sign the online petition, which in-part asks Framingham Board of Selectmen to act according to, “..our desire for level service funding of future school budgets and search for sources of additional revenue and cost savings to support this goal.”
Whichever side of the Framingham School Department budget debate you’re on — it’s worth checking out www.FraminghamSaveOurSchools.org