FRAMINGHAM, MA – While national unemployment levels hover around 10%, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of jobs available in Framingham.
Staples, Inc., (NASDAQ:SPLS), which is headquartered in Framingham lists well over 100 jobs in town, (and many more at other locations). The jobs range from retail specific, to copy center and print related, trucking / transportation, marketing, copy writing and advertising to all types of technical and computer related positions. Click the following link to see a list of Framingham jobs (at Staples).
TJX Companies, Inc., (NYSE: TJX), another Framingham, MA based corporation is the parent company of T.J. Maxx, Marshals, HomeGoods, AJWright and other retails store chains. In addition to local retail jobs, TJX lists over 75 corporate jobs listed in Framingham, (today, Sept 5, 2010), as well as dozens of Framingham area retail jobs on a separate TJX Jobs website.
The Town of Framingham itself is hiring. There are (9) jobs currently listed on the Town website — (7) full-time, (1) part-time and (1) temporary/seasonal job. The positions available are:
- Administrative Assistant (C&ED) … $39k to $42k/yr
- Associate Program Planner (Planning Dept./Planning Board) … $52,364/yr
- Community Development Coordinator (C&ED) … $65k to $78k/yr
- Director of Libraries (Library) … $88k to $108k/yr
- Municipal Recycling Coordinator (Public Works) … $38,967/yr
- Operation Manager – Water Systems (Water and Sewer Division) … $66,766/yr
- Sanitarian II (Board of Health) … $51k to $57/yr
- Laborer (Highway Division, Temporary, Seasonal) … $11.82/hr
- Watchman (Part-time, Building & Grounds) … $10.77/hr
Visit the Town website for more information on Framingham Municipal Jobs.
Another large employer in town, Framingham Union Hospital / Metrowest Medical Center currently has over 100 job openings listed on it’s website — many of the jobs listed are for RN’s, physical therapists, speech therapists, medical lab technicians and other jobs that require specialized medical training — but there are also lots of jobs that require clerical, management and inter-personal skills including coding, patient registration, transportation and other jobs that do not require medical degrees or certifications.
While newspaper advertisements for jobs are virtually non-existent these days, a search of Framingham jobs on Craigslist turned up over 300 avialable postions. Many of the jobs posted on Craigslist used to be “questionable”, (“work from home”, “unpaid intern”, “phone scheduler”, etc), the majority of jobs listed are now from reputable employers — ever since Craigslist started charging for “jobs” ads, most of the schemers and scammers stopped posting. A quick read found several good positions including a Middle School Spanish Teacher for the McAuliffe Charter School, health and fitness jobs at Suburban Athletic, automotive jobs at Bernardi Toyota, jobs for dental assitants, pizza delivery, a temporary job at the Framingham State College Bookstore, (for the first few weeks of the school year), and all types of software, graphics and other computer/tech jobs.
Framingham Job Hunting Resources:
Staples, Framingham jobs: http://careers.staples.com/framingham-jobs
TJX, Framingham area retail jobs: http://www.tjxjobs.com/
TJX, Framingham corporate jobs: http://www.careers-tjx.com/tjx/jobboard/listjobs.aspx
Town of Framingham Jobs: http://www.framinghamma.gov/jobs.aspx?jobID=72
Metrowest Medical Center / Framingham Union Hospital jobs: http://www.mwmc.com/healthcare-professionals/job-search.aspx
Craigslist (Framingham Jobs): http://boston.craigslist.org/search/jjj?query=framingham
If you know of other employers in Framingham that are hiring, please leave a comment or drop us an email.