FRAMINGHAM, MA – When Community Cabelvision first setup shop in Framingham it expanded our access to audio/video information — beyond channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 27, 38, 44 and 56.. (and the few fuzzy stations we could pick up from Providence, RI and other regional broadcast areas if you got the rabbit ears just right and the weather was clear).
Today we have three companies in Framingham, (Comcast, Verizon and RCN), all selling us more high-def, high-speed, high-priced t.v. programming than anyone could ever possibly consume — and a lot of it is bundled junk.
You have options. You can pull the plug on cable t.v. and watch an amazing amount of news, weather, sports, music videos and even full length t.v. shows and movies on the internet.
Below is a full length episode of The Outer Limits, (1964, “Cold Hands, Warm Heart” starring William Shatner) hosted by HULU, (www.hulu.com), no charge — except you’ve got to watch a few commercials.
HULU hosts full length t.v. shows, movies and special video collections.
In a sort of strange twist — where we used to pay for cable t.v. just so we didn’t have to watch commercials… on HULU most shows have embedded commercials — usually no more than 30 seconds before the show, then 2 or 3 commercials in the middle and maybe a trailer.
It’s really not bad at all if you grew up watching commercial t.v. — and remember running to the bathroom or kitchen knowing you had about 2 minutes to get back. On HULU you can click the pause button — but you can’t skip the commercials.
Other websites with good quality video content:
- CNET TV – tech news and features
- ESPN Video – sports shows, highlights and latest sports news
- Comedy Central – full length episodes of it’s t.v. shows like South Park and special guest comedian video features.
- Discovery Channel Videos – watch full episodes of Mythbusters, Cash Cab and other favorites online.
- History Channel Videos – full length shows, trailers and clips from the popular cable channel of the same name.
- PBS Videos – watch full length episodes like Antiques Roadshow and other Public TV favorites.
If you know of other good internet tv/video sites, please post a comment and share with others.