FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Danforth Museum of Art is pleased to once again present Harmonie Transverse on Sunday, June 6, 2010, 4:00pm. The group will perform in the Museum’s Rosenberg Gallery. Admission to the Museum is free for Museum members. Non-member admission is $10.00 for adults, $8.00 for students and senior citizens and free for children under 17. All are welcome to attend.
Harmonie Transverse was formed in 2002 by flutists who had performed with the New England Conservatory’s Metropolitan Flute Orchestra. The Harmonie Transverse This year the group has added a Contra Bass Flute to the ensemble which also includes piccolo, C Flute, G Alto Flute, and Bass Flute; this gives an excellent range for Flute Choir music.
Harmonie Transverse is part of the Artist in Residence program (AIR) at Wachusett Regional High School and is supported by TEMPO (To Encourage Musical Performance Opportunities) the music booster’s group at the High School. The group takes its name from the word Harmonie for wind band and Transverse for side blown flute.
Harmonie Transverse performers include Hannah Bitterman, Sallie Brainard, Karen Coleman, Phyllis Howard, Jennifer Lehman, Elise Locker, Serge Paul-Emile, Carol Peabody, Gretchen Schlier, Kathy Rheault, Marty Tentor, Tim Glover, Patty Griffin, Marcia Cummings and Jay V. Kast-Tuttle (Director)
For more info, contact the Danforth Museum of Art, 123 Union Avenue, Framingham, MA, telephone (508) 620-0050, or visit their website at: www.danforthmuseum.org