FRAMINGHAM, MA – This is the fourth year of formal winter parking regulations in Framingham. There are two tiers to this program: one is a standing parking prohibition and the other comes into play only when a snow emergency is declared and announced through the media.
The permanent part of the program bans parking for 24 hours a day on the even numbered side of all streets from November 1, 2006 to April 1, 2007. The side of the street prohibited alternates each year to make the program equitable. Parking meter spaces are exempt, as are streets where parking is permanently prohibited on one side of the street for the entire length of the street.
The purpose of these restrictions is to keep all streets passable for the entire winter. It is the responsibility of the building owner to provide off street parking for their own cars and those of their tenants.
The second portion of the ban prohibits all parking on posted arterial routes during a snow emergency. Vehicles parked on these posted routes will be towed during a declared snow emergency. The Boston television stations will provide information regarding the declaration of snow emergencies, as will the Town’s Government Access Channel.