The Framingham DPW has been enforcing the guidelines regarding waste and recycling pickup. Trash barrels that hold more than 35 gallons are getting stickered.
Disposal is limited to 3 barrels holding no more than 35 gallons and weighing no more than 40 each, or the equivalent.
These limitations save the town money and reduce worker injuries.
The Town’s website has an extensive list of questions and answers about the solid waste policy and how and why it is enforced.
The larger yellow barrels, available at the Recycling Drop-Off Center and at the DPW office make recycling easier than ever.
The more we recycle and comply with the regulations, the better. And maybe the longer we have before going to a “pay as we throw” system.
And to think, back in the day of Tony Colona, we had trash pickup twice a week! We were the envy of all our friends and family members who didn’t live in town.