FRAMINGHAM, MA – To encourage reading and to bring communities together, Springfield, Natick, and Lexington, and other American towns have held a “one book” or “on the same page” program. Townspeople read one book (children read related books), and libraries and other civic, educational, and cultural organizations arrange programs related to the book selected. Programs have included author-led book talks, book discussions, ethnic concerts and foods, and even historic reenactments
Framingham is planning its first ever Framingham Reads Together program for Winter, 2009 using the book, Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.
The first meeting of the planning committee is Wed., April 16th at 4 in the Costin Room at the Framingham Public Library. We’ll discuss the goals of the program and brainstorm for program ideas. Join us that afternoon. If you can’t but are interested in volunteering, call either: Ruth Winett, Framingham Reads Together Chair at 508-877-1938 or Jeanne Kelley, Assistant Director Framingham Public Library at 508-532-5570, ext. 4358.