FRAMINGHAM, MA – Over the past few months the concept of a major fundraising project to benefit Fine Arts Education in the Framingham Public Schools has taken shape and the process of communicating and informing the various constituencies in town has begun.
Since early December, a small planning group has met with School Superintendent Dr. Martes, the Framingham School Committee and most recently with the PTO Presidents Council. The Enduring Tributes Campaign has received widespread and enthusiastic support from everyone. One school committee member even asked, “Can I give you a check tonight!”
The Enduring Tributes Campaign will benefit all public school students K-12 in Framingham in the area of Fine Arts education. The campaign is designed to raise funds for capital investments and programming resources that will truly add value above and beyond current fine arts department funding levels. As the campaign is introduced, the organizers will be sharing some of the possible ways in which our students and thus our town will benefit. At the heart of the project is the sale of naming rights for each of the seats in the soon to be renovated FHS auditorium and similar facilities at Walsh, Fuller and Cameron Middle Schools. Other naming opportunities will be considered for other Fine Arts related spaces.
The Town of Hull Massachusetts, one fifth the size of Framingham, recently raised $50,000 for Fine Arts Education through a similar campaign….we can do much more!
Today the invitation goes out for active support for the Enduring Tributes Campaign organizing committee. In particular, the committee appeals to parents of current and former students in all schools with interest in theater, music and the visual arts, and anyone else with a strong interest in the benefits of Fine Arts education to the creation of a truly outstanding public school system.
This initial information piece is specifically intended to inform Framingham residents of the Enduring Tributes Campaign project and to invite interested parties to a planning and organizing meeting on Monday February 6 at 7:00PM in the new Studio 100 Theater Room at FHS.
If you have any questions in advance, please contact either David & Penny Hurwitz (508-877-6424) or Michael & Nancy O’Connell (508-875-3203)