FRAMINGHAM, MA – The McAuliffe Branch of the Framingham Library will be closed Friday, December 9 at 3:00 p.m. through Friday, December 16th to complete alterations necessary to improve access for those with disabilities.
Shelving units will be disassembled and moved and new shelving and doors will be installed. The necessary repairs have been mandated by the state’s Architectural Access Board.
Library materials that have been checked out from McAuliffe will not be due back during the closure. The bookdrop will be available for those who want to drop off materials.
The hope is that McAuliffe will reopen no later than 9 a.m. on Sat., December 17th and it is possible that it may reopen sooner.
Patrons are urged to check the library’s website: or call the Main Library after December 14, for updated information.