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  • Help Edgell Memorial Library Win A $ 100,000 Grant

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — The Framingham History Center’s Edgell Memorial Library, at the corner of Edgell Road and Oak St., has been chosen by the National Trust For Historic Preservation and American Express to compete for a $100,000 grant to restore its magnificent gothic windows. It is competing against 24 other sites in Greater Boston and it needs your votes. The project, Partners in Preservation, is like American Idol for historic (more…)


    FRAMINGHAM, MA — The Framingham Auxiliary Police announced today that they will be holding an open house, during National Volunteer Week, on Wednesday, April 22, 2009; 7:30 PM at the Framingham Police Station, One William Welch Way, Framingham. The purpose of the open house is to provide information to people who may have an interest in participating in Public Safety by becoming a Framingham Auxiliary Police Officer. (more…)

  • Pirates of Framingham presented by Framingham Community Theater

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Ahoy, Mateys! Framingham Community Theater proudly presents their next wildly fun mystery dinner theater production… THE PIRATES OF FRAMINGHAM: A Swashbuckling Tale of Legend & Treasure! written by (more…)

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