FRAMINGHAM, MA – Below is a list of just some of the Halloween activities taking in place in Framingham during the week leading up to Halloween ..but first, a little history about the origin of this wickedly fun holiday.
It’s been a couple thousand years since the ancient Celtic people celebrated Samhain, a holiday occurring on the last day of October which marked the end of summer and time for harvest — a time when the Celts believed the line between the living and the dead grew thin and spirits of the dead could return to Earth, (as ghosts). The Celts would dress in costumes and light bonfires as part of the rituals.
Conquered by the Romans, the Celtic harvest rituals were combined with two Roman holidays, Feralia, (a day to commemorate the dead), and Pomona, (a day to honor the godess of fruit and trees). As Christianity became more widespread, All Saints Day, (called “Alholowmesse” in early English), was celebrated on November 1st to honor Roman Catholic Saints and martyrs, and “All Souls (Day)”, to honor all departed souls was celebrated on November 2nd.
Eventually Alholowmesse become known as “All-hallows (Day)”. Since the Celtic holiday of Samhain was celebrated the night before, it became (more…)