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  • Last Days of Rock On! at Garden in the Woods

    Framingham, MA – New England Wild Flower Society’s ROCK ON! sculpture exhibition goes out in a blaze of fall foliage on a FREE FALL FAMILY FESTIVAL day 12-4 on Sunday, October 15th.

    On view since July 15th, this compelling sculpture exhibition at Garden in the Woods was attended by tens of thousands of visitors. Enjoy 37 sculptural and environmental works by New England artists surrounded by 1,500 wildflower species in their fall glory on 45 acres of garden trails at the living museum, New England Wild Flower Society’s Garden in the Woods, 180 Hemenway Road, Framingham, Massachusetts, on view 9-5.

    Final Day will be a Festival on Oct. 15th.

    Guided tours are included with admission daily at 10 except on Sundays when they are at 2 p.m., no reservations required. Blooming plants include the late gentians, bugbane, obedient plant, goldenrods, asters, snakeroot, and remarkable native plant foliage in every color. Adult admission $7.

    Don’t miss the last opportunity to see the sculptures at Garden in the Woods. Many pieces are still available for purchase.


  • Framingham to Celebrate Town Meeting Day

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Framingham will celebrate Town Meeting Day on Sunday, October 22nd through the efforts of Town Moderator Joel Winett, who spearheaded the idea.

    Massachusetts General Law Chapter 6: Section 15PP. Town Meeting Day states:

    “The governor shall annually issue a proclamation setting a Town Meeting Day in commemoration of the holding of the first town meeting, recommending that said day be observed in an appropriate manner by the people.”

    Framingham Town Meeting Members, elected officials, and all town residents are invited to an event in appreciation of Town Meeting Members’ public service.

    Town Meeting Day will be observed on Sunday, October 22, 2006 in the Costin room of the main library at 3:00 pm.

    This event is co-sponsored by the Library Trustees, who will provide some light refreshments.

    Fred Wallace, of the Framingham Historical Society and Museum will present a brief talk on the history of Framingham and Town Meeting.

    Afterwards, Town Meeting Members can socialize with other Town Meeting Members, elected officials, and residents.

  • Hollywood in Framingham

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The buzz in Downtown Framingham is about the filming of a segment of a new motion picture by Disney at the Framingham Civic League.

    The film stars popular wrestler turned film star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as single man who suddenly finds out that he has a daughter by a previous relationship. The segment being filmed is about his daughter taking dancing lessons.

    The Civic League received a $20,000 sprucing up of it’s front steps and it’s auditorium/theater area as well as a rental fee.

    The film crew used the Christa McAuliffe Regional Charter School parking lot for its trailers and equipment.

    Area catering and restaurants are benefiting from the Hollywood visit.


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