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  • Let it snow and slide

    This is the winter of ice storms and power outages.

    The Framingham Police even put out a call urging people not to venture out last night if possible. 

    Many stores closed early. 

    During one storm before Christmas, even a sidewalk plow slid off the way and into a gully near the Mass Pike Overpass on Old Conn Path.

  • McAuliffe Library

    We went to return some books tonight about 6 o’clock and noticed that the library was dark as we drove up.

    At first we thought the library’s hours had changed because of budget constraints.

    There was a sign in the window that stated that the library closed at 5 p.m. due to lack of heat.

    Sad to say, the building’s HVAC has had its problems, either being too hot or cold, making it hard for employees and patrons alike.  Many’s the time the staff have to resort to fans or heaters to stay comfortable. 

    At least McAuliffe is still there to serve us, despite occasional efforts to close this very cosy, friendly library.

  • Robbing the cradle, er, manger

    Predictable news stories around this time of year are:  people falling through the ice on a local pond or river, and someone taking the Baby Jesus statue out of the manger in a nativity scene.

    This week the Framingham area had both.  The kids are OK after being rescued. 

    But the Nativity scene at St. Jeremiah’s is missing both the baby statue and the manger.  At first they thought someone had started to bring in the statues as it is the end of the Christmas season.  Hopefully, the statue will be returned soon.  It was donated and rather expensive. 

    What motivates people to take these statues? 

    Over at sister church, St. George’s, the Nativity Scene is intact, watched over by the large stone statue of who my then four year old son once pointed to and said was “Baby Jesus all grown up!”

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