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  • Framingham Common Historic Buildings on Lease

    After much back and forth negotiating, the Framingham Historical Society (renamed the Framingham History Center) has come to terms with the Town over long-term leasing of the Village Hall, Edgell Library, and the Old Academy Building.

    For a token $ 1 a year, for a 50 year lease, the buildings will be under the supervision of the Framingham History Center.  With the lease in hand, the Framingham History Center hopes to better attract donations and grants.

    Hope so.  These buildings are a part of what makes Framingham unique and special.  So at least for a while they will be exempt from being sold off during our current economic crisis.

    Last year Town Meeting members indicated their interest in preserving many town structures by approving funding of many infrastructure projects long overdue.  Thank goodness they did so before the economy took a dive.  There are too many buildings that have suffered due to lack of basic maintenance funding and the subsequent costs of repairs and replacements keeps increasing geometrically.  Town Meeting members seemed to realize that underfunding today is more expensive tomorrow and voted accordingly.


    FRAMINGHAM, MA — The Framingham and Natick Cochituate Rail Trail Committees invite you to a meeting on Monday, February 9th at 7:00 PM at John Harvard’s Brew House, 1 Worcester Road, (Shoppers World) Framingham.

    The Framingham and Natick CRT Committees will give updates on the trail project. Meet the new trail designer Weston & Sampson and learn about upcoming plans.  Sponsors REI and John Harvard’s will make short presentations.

    This is a great opportunity to learn more about the trail, show your support, and meet volunteers working to make the Cochituate Rail Trail a reality. Snacks provided courtesy of John Harvard’s.

    John Harvard’s Brew House is located in Shopper’s World and their phone number is: 508-875-2337.

    Hope to see you there!

    For more information: Contact the Framingham CRT Committee via email to: info@CRTrail.org or visit their website at: www.CRTrail.org


  • Nonprofit Town Hall to Be Held in Framingham

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – With the distinction of holding the first of hundreds of Nonprofit Town Halls taking place throughout the country, the Massachusetts Nonprofit Congress Steering Committee is now scheduling four additional Town Halls statewide, beginning in Framingham, to discuss methods for strengthening the sector locally and nationally.

    With special emphasis on public awareness and support of (more…)

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