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  • October is Massachusetts Archeology Month

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Come join the excitement during Massachusetts Archaeology Month, October 2008! This is the 18th annual celebration of archaeology in Massachusetts.

    Archaeology Month features more than 60 events that promote awareness of the Commonwealth’s rich archaeological past through fun and engaging programs.

    This year’s theme is “Pointing to the Past.”

    Archaeology Month offers a variety of programs for adults, children, parents, and teachers. Programs highlight local history as well as archaeology around the world.

    Events include lectures, tours, storytelling, exhibits, walks, canoe tours, and demonstrations.

    Archaeology Month is sponsored by Secretary of the Commonwealth William Francis Galvin, Chairman of the Massachusetts Historical Commission, (MHC).

    The Calendar of Events and Poster for Massachusetts Archaeology Month are available for download on the MHC website, <www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc>.

    Printed posters and calendars are also available. Call the MHC at 617-727-8470 to receive a copy or to be added to our mailing list.

    In addition to the event listings, the calendar includes information about Massachusetts museums with archaeology programs and archaeological websites, for use as a year-round resource on archaeology.

    Related Link: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcarch/arch08/arch08idx.htm


  • 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony 2008

    FRAMINGHAM,MA –– The Town of Framingham will host a remembrance ceremony for the seventh anniversary of those who lost their lives in the tragic events of September 11, 2001, including the seventeen people with ties to Framingham.

    The event will include solemn remarks, a reading of the names on the memorial, prayer offerings, and a presentation of the colors by the Framingham Fire and Police Department Color Guards.

    The ceremony will be held at the September 11th Living Memorial located at Cushing Memorial Park, Dudley Road, on Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 5:30 P.M and is expected to last for about a half-hour.

    All are invited to attend this memorial event. For more information please contact the Framingham Selectmen’s Office at 508-532-5400.

  • School Choice Survey Needs Input, Deadline is Oct. 3rd

    FRAMINGHAM,MA — The District Planning Task Force has compiled a survey to evaluate the School Choice assignment program.

    More than 6,000 families have enrolled students through School Choice over the past 10 years. Please help the Task Force reach as many as possible by distributing links to the electronic survey through your email lists. All responses will remain anonymous, but will provide valuable information to the Task Force as it prepares recommendations to the School Committee.

    The links to the survey can be accessed at www.framingham.k12.ma.us.

    Only one response is accepted from each computer address. Respondents can choose English, Spanish or Portuguese language surveys. A paper version in English, Spanish or Portuguese, will also be available in the main office, for families that do not have access to the Internet or who prefer to complete on paper. If you need additional copies please contact the Parent Information Center. Families should fill out only ONE SURVEY PER FAMILY, EITHER the Internet survey OR the paper survey but not both.

    The Task Force will collect responses September 18 – October 3, 2008, then review and analyze the data, which will be made public in November.

    Thank you for distributing the Task Force survey on School Choice, and for promoting it with flyers, in your newsletter and at parent meetings.


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