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  • Parents of Children with Food Allergies to Meet in Framingham

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Parents of children with food allergies are invited to a meeting with clinical social worker Marianne Fougere on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the Metro-West Allergy & Asthma Educational Support Group, which meets at Allergy & Asthma Treatment Specialists, 475 Franklin St., Framingham. The program is free and open to the public.

    “There are many challenging emotional issues and uncomfortable family situations that come up when a child in (more…)

  • On the trail of the Cochituate Rail Trail

    John Harvard’s just hosted a meeting of the Cochituate Rail Trail and their back function room was SRO.

    Slowly, but surely the trail is evolving.

    Support from John Harvard’s who donate’s proceeds from their Rail Trail Ale ( over $ 4300 this batch) and from REI were acknowledged.

    As the DPW has determined that it would be easier and less expensive to run replacement sewer lines along the proposed trail route, the trail is being incorporated into a plan to build the trail as the sewer line is put in place.  A real serendipity.  And the funding may come through an economic stimulus package.

    Instead of ripping up roadways, and causing detours and traffic interruptions, the construction of the new sewer lines would take place behind the scenes while enhancing the community by adding the rail trail.

    This proposal brings the tFramingham part of the trail a lot closer to reality.

  • Three Cups of Tea Author Draws Crowd

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, the book chosen for the Framingham Reads Together initiative, spoke to a packed crowd of an estimated 1000 people at Nevins Hall on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009.

    Mortenson, a humble and sincere speaker, shared insightful commentary and stunning photography from his extraordinary journeys through a region that is now front and center on the world stage and in the war on terror. He explained how schools and education, especially of girls, can be more effective in fighting the Taliban than weapons. He has succeeded where government programs have failed.

    Local schools and the library are collecting donations to his “Pennies for Peace” program. Look for the jars to make a donation.

    Mortenson’s program was broadcast through the Government Access Channel and will be re-broadcast several times. For the schedule, see http://framinghamtv.com/schedule.htm

    Framingham Reads Programs continue this week. Check the Framingham Public Library web site for more information. www.framinghamlibrary.org

    One of this weeks highlights takes place on Tuesday, February 10th at 7 p.m. at the Main Library: The Impact of Location and Landscape on Pakistan’s Short (and Turbulent) History- Panel Discussion with Professor Adil Najam, Director, Pardee Center, Boston University; Moeed Yusuf, Boston University doctoral candidate and Parwez Wahid discussion leader.

    Professor Najam was one of the Lead Authors of the Third and Fourth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. He is the winner of teaching awards at MIT and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and the author of several books and articles. He also is the founding editor of the blog Pakistaniat: “All Things Pakistan.”

    Related Link: <http://www.framinghamlibrary.org>


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