FRAMINGHAM, MA – In the USA in 1920’s, on any given Friday night there’s a good chance you would have gone out to see a silent movie.
But, the theater would be anything but silent. A pianist played “mood music” along with the films.
On Friday, November 8th, 2013, slip into the past at the Framingham Main Library.
The library’s Friday Night Film will be a Silent Movie Show featuring Richard Hughes, Silent Movies Pianist who will set the mood as black & white films flicker on the screen.

Hughes, who began classical piano training at age 7, spent over a decade researching and scoring “mood music” pieces to recreate the original period sound of the 1920’s “silent movie” houses.
He writes on his website, “Every time I screen another old silent film and prepare a musical score for it, I feel like a geologist who has just discovered a rare find hidden deep in ancient layers of rock. Many of these films are gems and my mission is to reacquaint, introduce, educate, and entertain audiences of all ages to the silent (more…)