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  • Annual House Tour Date Announced

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Framingham Historical Society and Museum is pleased to announce the 6th Annual Framingham House Tour will be held on Sunday, May 21 from 12pm – 5pm.

    Framingham’s popular, self-guided tour will feature nine locations, ranging from historical to contemporary styles. Some of the properties are considered Framingham’s most fascinating examples of adaptive re-use. One such example is a site that was once a thriving tavern, then a bakery, and now serves as a family home. Modern day Framingham is also represented on the tour in a stunning country dwelling with an interesting twist – a preserved historic barn that serves as the neighborhood’s drive-through exit. Tour-goers will be further delighted by a splendid array of magnificent grounds and gardens.

    The featured locales on this year’s tour portray Framingham from many different eras, yet the sites are inexorably linked: each one has a story to tell about our town, our forbearers, and ultimately, ourselves. Don’t miss out on the 2006 Framingham House Tour. A Day to Remember. Learn. Discover.

    The 2006 Framingham House Tour is proudly sponsored by Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Citizens Bank, The Summit Montessori School and Patterson & Gerry CPAs.

    Tickets can be purchased at the Framingham Historical Society & Museum on Vernon Street, or through the website www.framinghamhistory.org. Tickets are $20 through May 14, 2006. Thereafter (including the day of the event), tickets are $25.

    Beginning April 1, 2006, tickets will also be available for purchase at Citizens Bank at 35 Edgell Road in Framingham.

    For more information, contact Karen LaChance at (508)371-4051 or Susan Silver at ssilvercomcast.net


  • Regional Planning Forum on February 28th

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is holding forums to get input for its long-range plan, JOURNEY to 2030. Interested individuals and representatives of groups are invited to share ideas about transportation issues.

    Framingham will host one of four regional forums on February 28, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Memorial Building, 150 Concord St.

    Attendees will share their views on the transportation needs and issues of each area and provide input to help identify visions for the region’s transportation network. Participants in these forums will be helping to shape the development of JOURNEY TO 2030, the long-range transportation plan of the Boston Region MPO.

    If you are interested in attending one of the forums, please contact Jared Fijalkowski of the Boston Region MPO staff, by phone at (617) 973-7092 or by e-mail at j_fijalkowski@ctps.org. RSVP by February 21.

    For additional information on “JOURNEY TO 2030”, visit:  www.ctps.org


  • High School Essay Contest

    MASSACHUSETTS – In an effort to encourage high school students to learn more about the contributions of John Adams and the Massachusetts Constitution to strengthening the rule of law, the Supreme Judicial Court and the Massachusetts Department of Education today announced the launch of the 2006 Supreme Judicial Court High School Essay Contest.

    Massachusetts students in grades nine through twelve are eligible to enter the essay contest through their schools, in accordance with the contest rules. Letters and contest materials recently were sent to every public and private high school in the state, as well as to home school organizations.

    The essay question this year concerns the separation of powers among the three branches of government and was designed to be compatible with the Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework on which the History and Social Science Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) is based.

    Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall said, “I am delighted that students will have an opportunity to broaden their understanding of the fundamental principles of our constitutional democracy through their own creative expression. Learning about the separation of powers and the rule of law deepens one’s appreciation of our Massachusetts and federal constitutions and the genius of John Adams and the other framers.”

    The essay contest question and rules can be found on the Court’s new Education Resource Center website. The website, designed for teachers and students, contains information on the Massachusetts court system, the Massachusetts Constitution, and the judicial branch of government. It also has an Electronic Resource Guide with useful links to numerous other law related education sites on various topics.

    Massachusetts Department of Education Commissioner David P. Driscoll said, “It is with great honor that we at the Department of Education co-sponsor this initiative with the Supreme Judicial Court. The importance of understanding the history of our legal and constitutional democracy and the contributions of people like John Adams who shaped it cannot be understated. These studies are also a major part of the learning standards in the Massachusetts History and Social Studies Curriculum Framework and this is a great opportunity for students in the Commonwealth to demonstrate their mastery of these standards.”

    The panel of judges includes representatives from the Supreme Judicial Court, Appeals Court, Social Law Library, and the Massachusetts Department of Education. Savings bond awards will be presented to the top three students with the winning essays. There will also be an honorable mention award. The first prize winner will also receive a visit to his or her classroom from a Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. Winning essays will be prominently displayed in the John Adams Courthouse. Electronic copies of the winning essays and other outstanding essays will be posted, with permission from the students and the schools, on the John Adams Courthouse Education Resource Center website. The winning essays will be announced on Law Day, May 1.

    This is the second year that the Supreme Judicial Court has sponsored a High School Essay Contest, following the successful launch of the first essay contest held last year in connection with Law Day.

    For more info, contact Joan Kenney/Charlotte Whiting, Tel: (617) 557-1114, joan.kenney@sjc.state.ma.us


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