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  • Access Framingham-Beat Information Night

    Access Framingham (logo)
    AF-TV, Public Access Television in Framingham

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Be a part of Framingham’s Own News Program! Find out about Framingham’s own news show — “The Framingham Beat”.

    Access Framingham is looking for a few Framingham residents to be News Anchors, Reporters, or Segment Producers and help tell the stories of our neighborhoods.

    On Wednesday, Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 from 7:00pm-8:30pm, Access Framingham will be having a Framingham Beat Information night.  You can see the studio, practice reading a news script, and ask questions about the different roles needed to put together a news program.  No experience is necessary, just a desire to help communicate all the great stories happening around Framingham.  Please call to register at 508-875-5434 or email info@accessfram.tv

    Access Framingham is a membership based organization which provides training with video recording and editing equipment as well as access to our cable television channel to show locally recorded programming.

    AF-TV’s local production studio is located in the back of the Fuller Middle School, at 31 Flagg Drive, Framingham, MA.

    AF-TV can be seen in the Town of Framingham on Comcast Channel 9, RCN Channel 3, and Verizon Channel 43.  For more information about Access Framingham programming, training, and services, you can also visit us online at www.accessfram.tv


    Access Framingham-Beat Information Night
  • Middle & High School Essay Contest: “What I Love about Framingham”

    2015 Framingham Essay Contest
    Entries due by Monday, February 23rd, 2015 at 5:00pm.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Calling all middle and high school students! Tell us what you love about our town by writing a 500 word essay.

    Include three or more features of Framingham that you love. Possible topics; your school, Framingham Public Library, Framingham sports, our history, multicultural community, or something you love about the town.

    All essays will be awarded a thank you gift. One winning essay from each middle & high school will be chosen and read by the author at the Deluxe Depot Diner, Thursday February 26th, 2015 at 6:00pm.

    20% of proceeds to be donated to the Framingham Public Library Foundation.

    Essays due by Monday, February 23rd, 2015 at 5:00pm. Please pass in to the Homework Center at the Framingham Public Library. For more information, contact Judy Gatlin at jgatlin@minlib.net


    Middle & High School Essay Contest: “What I Love about Framingham”
  • MEMA Issues Ice Safety Precautions

    MEMA - Ice Safety Alert
    Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, (MEMA), Framingham, MA

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – In spite of the recent cold spell, the ice conditions of many bodies of water across the Commonwealth remain uncertain, as demonstrated by the recent ice rescues of a number of individuals and pets. Therefore, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has issued information regarding safety precautions to be taken on our frozen lakes, rivers and ponds.

    “Before we experience a tragedy that is unfortunately too common this time of year, it is important that we remind everyone, particularly children, of the dangers of unsafe ice,” said MEMA Director Kurt Schwartz. “People may be a bit impatient and venture out on the ice for skating, hockey, ice fishing and other winter sports before understanding the conditions. We highly recommend the use of recreational skating areas provided by the Commonwealth and your local communities. It is very important to exercise precaution and common sense.”

    Always check with your local police, fire or park department to ensure that safe ice conditions exist. However, due to the uncertainty and constant changing of ice conditions and the dangers (more…)

    MEMA Issues Ice Safety Precautions

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