FRAMINGHAM, MA – In June I wrote about Framingham author Robyn Bradley, on the release of her first novel, “Forgotten April”.
Without retelling that entire article, I’ll mention again, Robyn is the youngest of six children, an only girl with five older brothers, that she graduated from Framingham North High in 1991, and that her inspiration to become an author came in Mrs. Shea’s 4th grade class at the Charlotte Dunning School.
Jumping forward some twenty eight years after getting “three red stars” on a life changing writing assignment from Mrs. Shea, we find Bradley an accomplished writer, able to weave hard-to-put-down tales which take the reader inside the minds and lives of the characters she creates.
Her recently released second novel, “What Happened in Granite Creek” expands on a short story titled “Support Our Troops” which she penned in 2009.
Although much of Bradley’s writing is geared towards the womens’ fiction market, Granite Creek crosses over to appeal to both genders. The book is definitely not a hearts and roses romance novel — the sometimes gritty language and adult situations in this story (more…)