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  • State Representative Pam Richardson Hosts Global Warming Discussion Tuesday, July 1st

    Environment Massachusetts Rep leading discussion

    June 30, 2008  (15:13:16 EST)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Representative Pam Richardson (D-Framingham) will be hosting a discussion about the Global Warming Solutions Act which is currently pending in the State Legislature. A representative from the Advocacy Group, Environment Massachusetts will be leading the discussion.

    “The state of our environment and the impact of carbon emissions on climate change is something we cannot ignore,” said Richardson (D-Framingham). “Having this discussion in Framingham will allow my constituents the opportunity to discuss Global Warming and learn about the ways in which we can work together to address this important issue.”

    The Global Warming Solutions Act would require a 20ut in state carbon emissions below 1990 levels by the year 2020, and an 80 0rop by 2050. This initiative would allow the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs to take steps necessary to reduce emissions. The bill has passed the Massachusetts Senate, and the House awaits the opportunity to vote on this measure.

    The discussion will take place on Tuesday, July 1st from 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Representative Richardson’s district office which is located at 25 Nicholas Road, the Pinefield Shopping Center, in Framingham.

    All are welcome to attend this important discussion. For more information contact Jake Oliveira at 508-405-0968.


  • 2008 State Rep Debate on Cable

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Those that may have missed the Framingham Democratic Town Committee sponsored debate of candidates for the Framingham St. Rep seat that was held on Monday at Town Hall can still view it on cable TV.

    The entire debate was captured by the Framingham Public Access Channel. The following is a list of the times that the program will air:

    Friday 6/27 @ 12:00pm

    Friday 6/27 @ 7:00pm

    Saturday 6/28 @ 12:00pm

    Saturday 6/28 @ 6:00pm

    Sunday 6/29 @ 12:00pm

    FPAC-TV can be found on RCN channel 3, Comcast Channel 9 & Verizon Channel 43.

    For additional times and dates of air times – visit: www.fpac-tv.org

    Related Link: <http://www.fpac-tv.org>


  • Buy A Rubber Duckie and Support the Framingham Rotary Charities

    June 25, 2008  (20:32:18 EST)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — The Framingham Rotary Club will be holding its Second Annual Duck Race on Sunday, July 20th at Simpson Park.

    Ducks can be purchased from any Rotarian for $5.00 (a flock of 5 for $20). The Framingham Rotary Club will have a booth at the Concerts on the Green each Friday night until Race Day. The concerts are every Friday evening from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on the Framingham Centre Common on Edgell Road.

    The Prizes:

    The purchaser of the winning duck will receive a 32″ HD Ready TV;

    the second prize is a Bose Wave Radio

    and third prize is a GPS system.

    All proceeds will go to benefit Framingham Community Charities. Buy a duck and support the Framingham Rotary and through them many local non-profit organizations.


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