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  • Call For Candidate Position Papers

    Framingham candidates invited to submit postions, bios, election info.
    Help Framingham voters get to know who you are what your postions are.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Candidates for the upcoming 2011 Framingham Annual Town Election are invited to submit position papers including a brief bio and other info related to their candidacy which will be published in a special Election 2011 section of this website.

    While many candidates could write a short novel about any single issue they are passionate about, we are asking that “positions” be simply stated, e.g.- “For city form of government“, “Against legalized hemp production“, “For removing dams and letting Sudbury River clean itself“, etc.

    Info should be the equivalent of one 8 1/2” x 14, “legal size” typewritten page PLUS one (more…)

    Call For Candidate Position Papers
  • Framingham Master Plan Survey (2011)

    2011 Framingham Master Plan Survey
    The Framingham Planning Board is running an online "Master Plan Survey".

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Town of Framingham Planning Board has been working on updating the Town’s Master Plan for nearly a year.

    The Master Plan is laid out on a map which takes into account local long range planning efforts, (and is influenced by initiatives undertaken by State and regional planners).

    After reviewing the Town’s Master Plan last summer, the Planning Board hosted a series of public forums;  an  “Open Space, Conservation and Recreation” forum, one regarding Economic Development and others to get input from individual neighborhoods.

    In November (2010) a draft of an updated Master Plan was drawn based on that input along with past planning initiatives, current land use, proposed and in-progress capital (more…)

    Framingham Master Plan Survey (2011)
  • Framingham Town Election Info (2011)

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The following contains information about running for Town Office, running for Town Meeting, as well as voter info, general candidate and election info and key dates related to the 2011 Framingham Town Election.

    2011 - Framingham Annual Town Election Info
    Framingham's Annual Town Election will be held April 5th, 2011. Help decide who will serve in your town's government — vote!

    Nomination papers for those planning to run for Town Offices in 2011 were available from the Town Clerk on November 29, 2010.  To be nominated, candidates for Town Offices needed to return the nomination papers with  the valid signatures of  fifty registered Framingham voters.  (These dates and requirements were for “Town Offices” only, not for Town Meeting Member candidates).

    Candidates for Town Office who did complete the nomination process now have until (more…)

    Framingham Town Election Info (2011)

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