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  • That was Kwik

    As we were driving down Rt. 9W thinking about the Farmers’ Market opening today, we realized that we were running out of time to get an oil change before a long trip on the weekend.

    We pulled into The Clean Machine/Kwik Oil Change lot, right into a spot with a sign about parking there for oil changes.  A minute later we were handing over the keys and settling down to read our book.

    We read pretty fast, but it was just a few chapters later when the car was pulled up outside the waiting room and we were told “you’re all set.” 

    In addition to a speedy oil change, we also received a token for a free car wash at their nearby Clean Machine.  

    The only disappointment was that we were just getting to a good part in the Jeffery Deaver book and had to close it.

  • The Concerts on the Green are a Go in July

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — According to Jim Egan, Town Building Services; he is putting the final touches on a concert schedule during the month of July for The Concerts on the Green series annually held on the Centre Common on Edgell Road

    Enough donations, following discussions and a call for donations at Town Meeting, on framingham.com, and email lists such as framcom, have come in to fund a July series.

    While the concerts are run under the auspices of (more…)

  • Framingham in Bloom

    Spring and flowers are busting out all over.  Thanks to the garden clubs and lovely and dedicated lady in Park and Rec, Framingham’s traffic islands and small parks are in bloom.

    Also thanks to folks like the DAR, who sponsors the floral display around our Minuteman statue, and Mark Galante of Exit Realty who sponsors the landscaping on the island by Vernon St. and Edgell Road. 

    If you take a moment to take in the sides of the road, Framingham has a bounty of lovely trees, flowers, and landscaping due to private and public efforts, donations, and the Planning Board’s emphasis on tree scapes on larger business properties.

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