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  • Concerts on the Green Schedule for July 2009

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The schedule for the July Concerts on the Green has been released by Jim Egan, Director of Town Building Services.

    July 3, 2009 – Dianne Shea and the Suburbanaires (Big band) Happy Fourth !!!!!

    July 10, 2009 – Nobscot (local band that opened for Chicago)

    July 17, 2009 – Tailspin (this band plays all our favorites and gets better every year)

    July 24, 2009 – Sgt. Dan Clark (A memorable evening is in store for everyone there that night)

    July 31, 2009 – Help!! (This sixty’s mop head cover band drew over two thousand people last year, come early.)

    Concerts are 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on the Framingham Centre Common.

    Bring chairs and blankets.

    This year the framingham.com table will be collecting donations for the Concerts for August and next year’s series. framingham.com will be there with balloons and giveaways except for the July 3rd concert. Volunteers welcome to help man the table.

    Donations still needed and welcome!

    framingham.com is also raising money for the concerts by giving the proceeds of any Business Directory listings from now until August 31st to the concert fund.

    Proceeds from any business that signs up for a one- year Business Directory listing web page ($ 75) now through August 31st. will be donated to the Concerts on the Green fund. (When the business mentions the Concerts.)

    The businesses who sign up will receive a Free car wash voucher from either The Clean Machine on Rt. 9 or Suburban Shell on Old Conn Path.

    Also 30% of any paid ad contract now through July 31st will be donated when the advertiser mentions the concerts.

    Visit www.framingham.com/advertise for details.



    Civil War era Edgell Memorial Library located in Framingham Centre.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Annie Murphy, Executive Director of the Framingham History Center announced that she received word of a a $100,000 grant from American Express to restore the Edgell Memorial Library’s windows.

    Nearly 2.5 million people voted in the Partners In Preservation competition.

    The Edgell Library placed (more…)

  • Rally ‘Round The Flag

    Fittingly, a U.S. flag carried in Civil War battles by the 13th Mass Regiment, made up of many Framingham men, has been returned to the Edgell Memorial Library where it will be under the supervision of the Framingham History Center.

    It has been on display in the Memorial Building’s main hallway since the close of Framingham’s Tercennial Celebration in 2000.  While many passed by the flag, few knew or realized its historical significance, or value.  Because of the way it was mounted on the wall, it was subject to damage from light and gravity.

    Now it is more appropriately displayed and celebrated in its original home since being donated to the Town of Framingham in 1873 by George Brown, whose company provided the funding of the regiment and of the “colors” as battle flags were known.

    On this Flag Day, Framingham has its very own historic US flag to celebrate.

    For more information about the flag, click here:


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