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  • Tue. March 30th – Help Support N.E. Wildflower Society

    Shop at Whole Foods Framingham store on Tuesday, March 30, and your purchases also support New England Wild Flower Society’s celebration of Earth Day at Garden in the Woods.

    5% of the proceeds will be donated to New England Wild Flower Society.

    NOTE: Earth Day at Garden in the Woods has FREE admission, special storytelling, Mother Earth, games, scavenger hunts, and more.

    Stop by the Society’s information table at Whole Foods Framingham on March 30 to learn more about Earth Day and all of the other activities planned by the Society for 2010.

    Garden in the Woods Open to the Public April 15-October 31

    New England Wild Flower Society
    180 Hemenway Road
    Framingham, MA 01701
  • What’s in the Health Care Bill?

    Yesterday, on March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law; H.R. 4872 – Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010, (commonly referred to as “The Health Care Bill”).

    While claims of “Medicare death squads”, “Government Takeover of Health Care”, and pundits claiming the bill will force employers to layoff or fire existing employees, (and make it unaffordable for them to hire anyone new), there does not appear to be (more…)

  • Things we keep

    The April edition of the Framingham Tales and Trivia program on FPAC-TV will be about “old objects that we have always kept.”

    I have been invited to participate in the panel discussion for this show and am trying to decide what to bring and talk about.

    I look around and see things in my home that we have had so long that they are literally like part of the woodwork, some we use, like an old iron doorstop from Nana’s house, or wedding presents used only special occasions.

    What kinds of things have you kept? And why?

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