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  • Neighborhood Landscapes

    Slowly but surely we have had to have our old maple trees cut down before they fell over in a storm, or dropped a heavy  branch on a car.  They sheltered so many of our life events. 

    Our kids enjoyed a hammock hung from its branches, and its shade while playing in the sandbox and running through the sprinkler.  Many a family meal cooked on the grill was enjoyed on a picnic table under a tree.  Our bunny’s hutch was shaded by a tree.  The trees also provided natural air conditioning for the west side of the house.

    Now, our previously cool kitchen is one of the hottest rooms in the house thanks to the sun beating in and we have less shade to relax under.

    We also cut down our hedges in the last few years and now have less privacy and more noise from the street.  But the lawn is easier to maintain, and the yard looks bigger.

    As we walk the neighborhood, we note that we can barely see some houses due to the overgrown trees.  On the other hand one house looks as though someone had called a tree company, and said, take them, take them all.

    Every single bush, shrub, and tree in front of the house, lining the boundary with the neighbor, and what we could see of the backyard was removed.   Only large areas of dirt where the trees were remain.  The house looks naked and now we can finally see it.

    What a difference a tree or vegetation makes. 

    There’s one house in Saxonville, very well kept, lawn always mowed, but there are no flowers, shrubs, or trees near the house or in most of the yard.  We itch to at least see a pot of flowers on the steps or something.  It is easy to maintain, but seems like an “i” without a dot, as though something is missing.

  • Planning Board Accepting Associate Member Applications

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The Planning Board and Board of Selectmen are accepting letters of interest and qualifications from residents who would like to be considered for appointment as the Planning Board’s Associate Member. The term for this appointment is from the date of the appointment until July 1, 2010. This is a volunteer position.

    The Associate Member of the Planning Board serves in cases where the Planning Board acts as the Special Permit Granting Authority under the Framingham Zoning By-Law. These Public Hearings are generally held twice per month in the evening from 7:30 p.m. to approximately 10 p.m.

    The Chairperson of the Planning Board may require such Associate Member to be in attendance at special permit hearings, and may designate such Associate Member to sit on the Board for the purpose of acting on a special permit application in the case of absence, inability to act, or conflict of interest, on the part of any member of the Planning Board, or in the event of a vacancy on the Board.

    Desirable qualifications include, but are not limited to, an understanding, awareness and/or experience with the Framingham Zoning By-Law and the variety of development proposals that come before the Framingham Planning Board as well as insight into the land use issues that are of concern to town residents.

    Application forms are available online at www.framinghamma.gov


  • Rack It Up

    The empty store front in Shoppers World on Rt. 9 W where Linens N Things was has signs announcing that Nordstrom Rack will be opening there.

    Nordstrom Rack is the company’s off-price retail division offering discounts on products from their mainline stores, Nordstrom.com, and special purchase items.  A big focus is name brand shoes.  Sounds a bit like what Filene’s Basement started out as, an outlet for the upstairs, upscale store.

    According to their website, and press releases appearing in various business news outlets, Nordstrom Rack will open in the spring of 2010 in the Shoppers World location.

    With so many large retail spaces vacant, this is a boon to Framingham, and to Developers Diversified Realty which owns the Shoppers World property.

    This store will provide jobs and will probably attract more shoppers from the wealthier communities, especially to the east of Framingham.

    For those curious about the store, this is the second Nordstrom Rack in Massachusetts.  You check it out in the Liberty Mall in Danvers.

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