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  • Halloween in Framingham 2010

    halloween scene
    Oct. 30th — Rediscover Pinefield Shopping Center and join in the fun with a children's costume parade, crafts (at McAuliffe Library), a Classic Car and Antique Truck Show, safe store-to-store Trick or Treating and more! (Event sponsored by Robinson's Hardware and other Pinefield merchants).

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Below is a list of just some of the Halloween activities taking in place in Framingham during the week leading up to Halloween ..but first, a little history about the origin of this wickedly fun holiday.

    It’s been a couple thousand years since the ancient Celtic people celebrated Samhain, a holiday occurring on the last day of October which marked the end of summer and time for harvest — a time when the Celts believed the line between the living and the dead grew thin and spirits of the dead could return to Earth, (as ghosts).   The Celts would dress in costumes and light bonfires as part of the rituals.

    Conquered by the Romans, the Celtic harvest rituals were combined with two Roman holidays, Feralia, (a day to commemorate the dead), and Pomona, (a day to honor the godess of fruit and trees). As Christianity became more widespread, All Saints Day, (called “Alholowmesse” in early English), was celebrated on November 1st to honor Roman Catholic Saints and martyrs, and “All Souls (Day)”, to honor all departed souls was celebrated on November 2nd.

    Eventually Alholowmesse become known as “All-hallows (Day)”.  Since the Celtic holiday of Samhain was celebrated the night before, it became (more…)

    Halloween in Framingham 2010
  • MA State Election 2010 – Ballot Question #3

    Massachusetts 2010 Ballot Question #3 - Rollback MA Sales Tax to 3 Percent
    In November, Ballot Question #3 will ask Massachusetts voters to decide if the state should rollback the (MA) Sales Tax to 3% or leave it 6.25%.

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – The question of whether or not the State of Massachusetts should rollback the MA Sales Tax to 3% is sure to bring voters to the polls this November — even if the task of deciding which candidates are the least objectionable has some disgusted with the “partisan politics as usual” races.

    Question #3 seems harsh to some and more than fair to others.

    The facts: Before 1966 there was no sales tax in Massachusetts. Facing a near $200 Million revenue shortfall,  then Governor John Volpe, (a Republican who went on the become Nixon’s Secretary of Transportation when he left office in MA), passed a bi-partisan supported emergency regulation by which the legislature imposed a [temporary] 3% sales tax, (it seems its never hard to get politicians to compromise and cooperate when it comes to raising taxes — no matter how many campaign pledges they make, and regardless of (more…)

    MA State Election 2010 – Ballot Question #3
  • 2010 Mass Mudlinging Open

    Ballot Box
    If you don't vote, you can't complain!

    FRAMINGHAM, MA – Its that time again folks, when Massachusetts politics heat up even more than usual and just about anything goes.

    Yes, it’s election time for the Massachusetts Governor, Treasurer, State Reps and few other other hot seats.

    On top the contested races, and likely to get more people out to vote are three ballot questions, two of which have a lot of people talking.

    Rather than “report”, I figured I just open up a with “Ready, Aim, Fire!”… and let you post ANYTHING related to any political race or ballot question that directly or indirectly affects Framingham, MA residents.

    Ready… aim… fire!

    2010 Mass Mudlinging Open

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