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    FRAMINGHAM, MA — This Saturday and Sunday, June 14th & 15th, the Framingham Celebration Committee with the support of Framingham Park & Recreation, will be holding the 2008 Flag Day festival at Cushing Memorial Park. Cushing Park is on Dudley Road and was formerly called Tercentennial Park. The festival will include a Civil War encampment and battle re-enactment being called the “Battle of Farm Pond.” More than 200 civil war re-enactors are expected to participate in the encampment.

    The festival hours are 10am till 4pm on both days and the public can park onsite through the park entrance off Dr. Harvey Cushing Way. There will be a craft show with approximately 50 vendors, live music, festival food and fun for the kids.

    This year’s festival entertainment will be kicked-off by a local favorite. Sergeant Dan Clark, formerly of the Massachusetts State Police, is known as “the singing trooper” and will begin the musical line-up that also includes patriotic tunes by the Natick American Legion Band.

    The battle scene re-enactment will begin at 1pm on each day. The Battle of Farm Pond name was chosen to
    give it a Framingham connection. The scene is expected to be authentic to the smallest detail, including uniforms, muskets and cavalry units.

    In addition to the civil war component, classic cars and local jeep clubs will be there to show their vehicles to the public.

    The schedule for Sunday includes a 10am camp dress parade of the civil war re-enactors and the second skirmish in the Battle of Farm Pond at 1pm. In addition, there will be the Flag Day patriotic procession and salute to the flag at 2:30pm and the moving Flag retirement ceremony run by the Framingham Veteran’s Council at 4pm.

    More information is available at www.geocities.com/flagdayframingham or from the Framingham Park & Recreation office: 508-532-5960.



    FRAMINGHAM, MA — Below is information and list of events for the Edgell Grove Cemetery Memorial Service: “FORGOTTEN 500” which will be held on Flag Day,  June 14th 2009 program begins at 5:00pm.  Please bring a comfortable chair, No seating available.

    Bagpiper plays as guests arrive.

    WELCOME – Non-denominational Invocation (more…)

  • News from the Framingham Farmers Market on the Common

    FRAMINGHAM, MA — The Framingham Farmers Market offers great produce, baked goods, flowers, plants, meat, and kettle corn. The market is held every Thursday through October from 12:30 – 5:30 p.m. on the Framingham Centre Common on Edgell Road, near Rt. 9.

    Gilson’s has begun to bring a beautiful selection of mums and asters for you doorstep, window boxes or (more…)

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